65 Best Business Opportunities in the World to Start Right Now

  • Last Updated December 22, 2023

Suraj Shrivastava

Chief Link Building Strategist



Are you looking for the best business opportunities, you can start off with? Well, you have landed on the right page. 

Today, the world is full of unique business opportunities we weren’t previously aware of. For example, we never knew that we could promote somebody else’s products and make money from them, while they manufacture and deliver them (dropshipping).

This is just one example; in this post, you are going to get a full-fledged list of 60+ business opportunities in the world to choose from.

So what are we waiting for? Let’s get started.

Best business opportunities in the world right now

1. E-commerce site

E-commerce is one of the best business opportunities in the world. Currently, there are over 26 million E-commerce sites in the world. You can start a website with your own product or buy an existing website. In either case, you can earn money by selling goods or services.

To create an e-commerce site, you need a domain name and hosting account that costs around $10 per month. It would be best to build a website using any CMS such as WordPress (Using any theme like Astra) or Shopify to manage your online store and upload products for sale. The main advantage of starting an eCommerce business is that it is easy to scale up and down depending on your needs.

2. Blogging


Blogging can be the best businss opportunity for you since its allows you to express your unique voice, thought, experience, and perspective to the world through a personal website or blog.

Starting a blog can be a great way to explore your passions and interests, while also connecting with like-minded people from all over the globe. There’s a niche and audience out there for you whether you’re a creative writer, a photographer, or a traveler.

The key to successful blogging is to be authentic, consistent and passionate. Choose a niche that you’re genuinely interested in and write about it with your own voice, not to follow the crowd. Create a schedule for yourself and stick to it, consistency is key to keep your audience engaged. Lastly, be passionate about your niche, your energy and excitement will be contagious and will help attract readers.

To start a blog, you will need to choose a blogging platform, such as WordPress or Blogger. Astra is a popular, lightweight and customizable WordPress theme that is well-suited for bloggers. With Astra, you have a lot of flexibility and options to create a beautiful and functional blog that stands out. Remember to regularly update your blog with new content and interact with your readers to build a community around your blog.

Once you’ve established your blog, the opportunities are endless. You can monetize it through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing or even through ads. You can expand your brand and even turn your blog into a business. The sky’s the limit when it comes to blogging, so don’t be afraid to be creative and let your imagination run wild!

3. Freelancing

So you don’t have any plans and urgently want cash? Numerous websites, such as Fiverr and Upwork, assist people in doing that. Only independent contractors who are capable of working on their own were intended for these platforms, where they can locate clients by taking on jobs. 

It is simple for freelancers to bid on the job and contact the customer. The website will take a tiny fee, and the remaining funds will be paid to the individual in their wallet. To be freelancing, all you require is a skill that is difficult to come by.

Anyone who wants to work without a boss or pay for something extra may be a freelancer and make a significant sum of money at house. Freelancing is a great chance for everyone to take advantage of even when you can’t go over to fieldwork and is the best business opportunity in the world.

4. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is among the most cutting-edge business options and the best business opportunities in the world. If you have a sizable following on social media, you may collaborate with other companies to market their goods to your audience. When you first start out, you could collaborate with affiliate networks to monitor the expansion of your audience.

Additionally, new business prospects open up for you as your audience grows. You might concentrate on creating other accounts. One where you include a self as an influencer. Then there can be another where you create fan pages for a particular subject or market.

To start with it, several influencer marketing tools can help you while creating strategies and decide on content.

5. Create and sell digital products

Nothing is better than having to sell a digital product since, unlike physical things, it requires no raw materials and has a very cheap production cost. Anything may be a digital product, including software, PDFs, e-books, templates, WordPress plugins, and a wide variety of others.

Because of their high-profit margins and the fact that they may be created once and sold for the rest of the time without needing to be kept in a warehouse, digital items are excellent passive revenue streams and so, becomes the best business opportunity in the world.

Follow the success stories of businesses like Microsoft, one of the biggest brands that solely sells digital goods, if you want to learn how profitable someone can be by selling a digital service or product.

6. E-books

In recent years, the e-book market has dominated the publishing industry. Due to the positive effects on the environment, this sector of the economy is one of the finest in the world. Since eBooks are digital files, producing, publishing, and selling them don’t require paper.

They may be sold on a variety of websites, including Amazon, and are not only an inexpensive kind of commerce but also beneficial to the ecology and the best business opportunity in the world.

E-books provide a wealth of chances for creative writing, including blogging, producing original material, copywriting, and technical writing, to mention a few.

7. Photography

Photography is another way to earn money while you’re still in school and the best business opportunity in the world. Starting at your own institution, you can go to events on the weekends and take part in seminars, ceremonies, conferences, and other social gatherings. 

If you feel you are excellent at it, you might continue this passion after you finish your education. You may launch your own business and offer photographic advice, work as a reviewer for the best and newest cameras and lenses on various websites, coach young people, etc. How you wish to develop this fantastic company concept is entirely up to you.

8. Online course creation

Online education is becoming much too common these days, giving those who previously had no opportunity to study more the ability to do so. This online learning tradition benefits not only students but also professors, which is why this business is growing every day and surely can be the best business opportunity in the world.

If you possess knowledge or teaching abilities in any field, you may design an online course & sell it, or you can build a platform for online courses, employ instructors, or allow others to use your platform and benefit from it.

This business is effective not just because you can profit from it right away, but also because it has the potential to expand over time.

9. 3D printing

Another innovative technology that is creating several business prospects is 3D printing. Depending on your budget, you may purchase a few 3d printing technologies (new or used) and provide a range of services to other businesses. One well-liked service is creating samples, in which you print a replica of the product so the client can simply experiment with its features. 

By offering these services, you can draw small firms as they need to assess the quality of their products while keeping expenses down. Contrary to common opinion, a rise in supply from Chinese manufacturers has led to a significant decrease in 3D printer prices. Still, it is the best business opportunity in the world.

10. Crypto trading

Even while bitcoin has already established itself as among the most well-liked business prospects, it is still in its early stages. How cryptocurrency will develop and expand in the future is unknown. 

However, if more businesses and institutions start accepting cryptocurrencies as payment, bitcoin investors may be rewarded big. There are hazards, of course, and you can lose more money than you expected. But every excellent business opportunity entails some risk. Make sure you first do your assignment.

11. Stock trading

We agree that many people view stock market investing as dangerous. It calls for a tremendous degree of expertise and knowledge. But you may make money while sitting at home if you conduct the right research and have the right information. All that is necessary for this business is an accurate grasp of market trends and your level of risk tolerance. 

No business plan can make you money quickly; every venture has advantages and disadvantages. However, when the best business opportunity in the world is taken into account, stock trading can be a great business venture for anyone to start generating passive income.

12. Podcast

Podcasts are a new and expanding industry that is a great resource for learning anything online. You might start a podcast for junior teenagers if you are skilled at mentoring so they can learn about and comprehend the subject of their coursework. 

You may publish a number of episodes, and make it engaging with quizzes, instructor and alumnus interviews, guest lectures from your seniors, etc. Overall, it will undoubtedly be popular and provide a passive income stream and the best business opportunity in the world.

13. Artificial intelligence

One of the newest commercial possibilities and the best business opportunity in the world is artificial intelligence, which hasn’t yet generated much buzz. Some people worry about the world being taken over by robots. But in one form or another, ai technology will be a part of our civilization. Additionally, who knows? Humans may someday evolve into robots.

One of the greatest sectors of the future will include businesses developing artificial intelligence. While some people are already busy creating, it’s still unclear how AI will appear, making this a fascinating business potential to investigate.

14. Cyber security and ethical hacking

Since much of the globe is now online, cybercrime is on the rise. As a result, among the most crucial business prospects to take into account is cybersecurity. The sector is becoming increasingly well-known and offers a solution to one of the greatest problems individuals currently face online. Thus, the best business opportunity in the world.

Another option is ethical hacking, which is a little different but can aid in preventing cyberattacks or significant hacks against well-known businesses. Those that make the investment to launch a cybersecurity company will probably find it’s a huge commercial potential.

15. Website flipping

When browsing some websites, we occasionally find ourselves saying, “Oh, this could do more than this; it is nice and needs greater expansion.” Perhaps you are unaware, but you can frequently purchase these websites, increase their success, and then sell them for a profit. You can also earn money from these websites.

Website flipping is the name of this line of work. In this company, you may acquire underperforming websites, and improve their performance using strategies like influencer marketing, Search engine optimization, advertising, and many others. You may sell them once they begin to generate profits and increase your profits. It is indeed the best business opportunity in the world.

16. Foodservice

The best business opportunity in the world is a food service enterprise since it is predicted to perform incredibly well with both students and working adults. Even though ordering takeaway and dining out is fun, doing so frequently is bad for your health.

Tiffin service is a monthly membership that delivers fresh, cooked dinners to your door with a variety of delectable food pairings. This is the ideal chance in the world if you love to cook and are looking for a low-risk approach to augment your income.

17. Fashion designing

A very large sector of the economy that is extremely profitable. Choosing a specific niche to advance in this industry is completely up to you. Choose anything that captures your imagination and launch your own brand, from kids’ clothes to shapewear, from underwear to attires, from a simple bow tie to a three-piece suit.

All you have to do is relax and consider this fantastic business opportunity. So no doubt it is the best business opportunity in the world.

18. Building android/iOS apps

You don’t need to be a really excellent coder like an ethical hacker for app creation, which is another computer-related job for individuals in small firms. You may start making applications for gaming, entertainment, and other hot themes. You may make money, build apps for iPhone or Android smartphones, and succeed by learning tech skills like coding languages and get profitable by this best business opportunity in the world.

Yes, you may also offer them to several other developers and businesses or simply work as just a freelancer, but in any case, you will make a respectable sum of money. You may market your company after taking this course and spending a little sum of money on blogging, media relations, and backlink mentions.

19. Android game

Making games involves coding and designing, which is time-consuming, but if you know how to code, then it is not difficult at all. If you have good skills, don’t think twice before creating games because it is one of the best business opportunities in the world. There are many opportunities can help you earn money from android games. Many people are willing to play your game for free, but if they like it, they might pay for it, which means that they will be ready to pay more than $1, just like we do when we buy apps on Google Play store or Apple store.

20. Creating themes

If you have strong coding abilities, you may start generating themes for multiple CMSs such as wordpress, joomla, drupal, etc, and put them up for sale to get money. This is another lucrative skill for programmers and the best business opportunity in the world. 

If you are proficient with WordPress but lack in-depth understanding, you may still design themes using Html, Javascript, CSS, and Bootstrap and offer them to websites by just posting them. Everything you need to succeed in this industry is consistent concentration, effort, patience, and dedication.

21. Create and sell websites

Utilizing their engineering, software, and artistic talents, web designers create, build, and improve existing websites. The demand for web designers has significantly expanded since billions of firms increasingly center their operations online and this is why it is the best business opportunity in the world. Your compensation scale for each job may depend on your web development experience.

Due to the increased demand for web design among both small and large businesses, there are several web design courses you may enroll in to learn more and get begun in this industry. All you require is the expertise and enthusiasm for creating user-friendly, innovative websites while considering the demands of your clients in mind.

You can start creating websites using wordpress or any other CMS, without even coding, and sell on business selling marketplaces such as Flippa, etc.

22. Cleaning services

To keep their homes clean while they work, homeowners in large cities are always hunting for maids. An intelligent vendor may be able to make money with the cleaning company. You may employ cleaning personnel to clean the houses of potential clients if you know where to look. 

An hourly fee is what you pay the cleaners. On the other hand, the charges you ask your clients might bring in a sizable sum of money. In addition, money accumulates on a big scale. So, it has the potential of the best business opportunity in the world.

23. Create and Sell NFTs

Non-fungible tokens, also known as NFT, are a brand-new way to generate substantial passive income since they allow you to sell your original digital works, such as photos, graphics, music, and music videos, online.

The finest prospects in the world for NFTs to generate passive income via the sale of 3D illustrations of NFT and cryptocurrencies

If your masterpiece is good and can draw viewers, you can earn millions of dollars because it has been proven that individuals have paid millions of dollars for works of art that appear to be simple and unremarkable. If you don’t know how to make an NFT, just search the topic on Google to find a tonne of tutorials and articles on the topic and become a part of this best business opportunity in the world.

24. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is one of the finest prospects for home-based businesses. Dropshipping is a great option for those wanting to launch their first business because it has a low entrance barrier. If you’re not familiar with the term, dropshipping refers to how a manufacturer makes, packages, and sends the goods to the buyer rather than the seller. 

Consequently, it becomes a hands-off, inventory-free enterprise. There are several specialized markets where you may offer goods, including those in fashion, beauty, pets, real estate, automobiles, and many more. You may also experiment with single-item dropshipping stores. This is among the best business opportunity in the world you may take advantage of today if you’re trying to launch an internet business.

25. Teaching

In the field of education, there are several business options. People want to learn so much. Because of this, tutoring services are still in demand. You can be the tutor if your objective is to employ yourself. However, if you want to run your own company, you can pay teachers to instruct younger pupils. 

Simply recruit students if you want to offer online instruction. Your business will expand in size as you gain more clients. Instead of purchasing your own office space, you may save money by renting it out for a few hours in the evening. By doing this, you can create a sustainable business and it is indeed the best business opportunity in the world.

26. Rent a spare space

One of the most alluring business prospects in the regional business field is renting out Airbnb rooms. Finding tenants for your apartment or spare bedroom might be difficult. Therefore, expanding your clientele and renting to travelers is great business potential which makes it the best business opportunity in the world. 

You can demand a fee that is comparable to or online the price of a hotel’s daily tariff. As a result, because standards are different, if you were fully booked for the entire month, you would have made more money overall than if you had rented to a renter the conventional way.

27. Food delivery

If you’re always Googling ‘enterprise opportunities around me,’ you’ve probably observed that meal delivery services are becoming increasingly popular. For your food delivery service, you can opt to drive, bike, or stroll. And you don’t have to be the one delivering meals to take advantage of this best business opportunity in the world. 

You can even own the company by hiring staff to bring meals to consumers. This might be a good approach to broaden your company’s reach.

28. Affiliate marketing

In recent years, affiliate marketing has been increasingly popular and the best business opportunity in the world. since it allows you to generate passive revenue by simply endorsing the goods of others.

Since it is risk-free, affiliate marketing is an excellent way to develop a passive source of revenue. Once you publish a link and provide some useful information about why people must purchase the item and how it differs from other companies, you can establish a recurring stream of money.

There are several ways to advertise your affiliate link, such as creating blogs and posting the link there, making movies for YouTube and posting the link inside the description, or posting links to photographs on Facebook.

To start with it, you can sign up with any affiliate programs, like Amazon Associates or Flipkart Associate Program, then promote products using text links or banners on your website or social media pages.

There are numerous ways one can earn through affiliate marketing. Still, if one has enough knowledge about technology, internet marketing, and SEO, it becomes easy for them to promote any product online, which helps them get more clients and make money from this part-time job!

29. Event planner

Event planning is one of the best business opportunities in the world because it can help you make money while participating in a fun activity.

An Event planner is an expert who works with a customer to organise and arrange their events. All over the world, people view weddings as important occasions, which has led to a booming event management business and the best business opportunity in the world. 

You’ll need networking skills, inventiveness, and the capacity for rapid judgments if you want to work as an event planner. To start, you may collaborate with an organisation that specialises in event planning. Initial event leads might be a little lucrative, but if you can build a clientele and receive favourable reviews, your business will expand rapidly.

30. Content writing

The corporate world is increasingly going online, and whether a company is doing business physically or digitally, the marketing team will always require content writers. Being a content creation writer requires some schooling and writing abilities, but with a dedication to expanding your vocabulary and your capacity for creativity, you may succeed in this best business opportunity in the world. 

There is a misconception that you won’t be able to generate money, yet a freelancer who charges by the word may turn a profit. In order to make a lot of money, you might need a lot of expertise. However, if you have enough perseverance and the capacity to study, you may succeed in this profession and become well-known.

In addition, you can make good money by writing articles for medium, their alternatives, and social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook or for websites like LinkedIn by creating your own brand.

31. Data entry

A Data entry career is one of the most common and rewarding ways to make money online. The skills you need are simple and easy to learn, but it will take some time before you can start making money with this opportunity. First, you need a reliable internet connection and a computer with a web browser.

Afterward, you need to find an online job that pays well. Various websites offer data entry jobs at low costs, so you can find one that suits your budget. It would be crucial to remember that the pay rate will depend on how much work you get done per day and how efficient you are at it. When searching for a data entry job, you must ensure the site is genuine. Some great places to get data entry jobs include Freelancer, Guru, Upwork, or Fiverr. These sites will not charge any joining fee, and you can create a profile and start bidding for jobs immediately.

32. Create video content

Opening a YouTube channel is considered one of the trendiest options on the list of best business opportunities in the world because you can display your knowledge and creativity while making a lot of money by monetizing your channel, promoting the company through your video content, promoting some products or services through affiliate links, or taking on influencer roles.

The best part is you don’t require any technical skills or special knowledge to start making money from YouTube videos. All you require is your content niche, computer, mic, camera, and editing software.

There are YouTubers that make millions of dollars from their channel, and videos are a terrific way to have a long-term passive income stream. On average, YouTubers make 18 USD per 1000 views. Since the concept is still gaining traction and people are constantly rewarding excellent work, it is never too late to launch a YouTube channel.

33. Social media management

If you are looking for one of the best business opportunities in the world, then look into social media management agency. This type of agency is perfect if you love technology and want to help others with theirs. You can work from home and have your own schedule. You will also have access to all the marketing tools needed for your company’s social media presence to be successful.

Social media managers are in high demand today because they help companies manage their social media accounts efficiently and effectively, so they don’t get flooded with unwanted comments and spamming messages from fake followers on their pages. If you have good communication skills, you might land a job as a social media manager at some big companies like Facebook or Twitter. This would be a perfect option for those who want to earn money online without prior experience in digital marketing or other related fields!

34. Game tester

This is worth considering if you like playing video games and want to make some extra cash by testing out new games before they hit the market. The only thing that may hold you back from getting started on this venture is finding the time since there will always be more important things in life taking up your time than playing video games all day long.

Game testing is very lucrative and one of the best business opportunities in the world. The salary will depend on the experience and skills of the candidate. The job involves playing games on various platforms like Xbox One, PlayStation 4, etc., to check if the game works properly or not. This can be a full-time or part-time job, depending on the candidate’s location and availability of games to test.

35. Translating

If you have good command over your mother tongue, you can easily earn a handsome amount of money by translating documents from one language to another. Many websites offer translation jobs, and you can get paid for each document you translate. So, if you have any language skills, start translating documents as soon as possible and earn some money!

36. Online consultant

Online consultancy is another job that offers high earning potential with low investment requirements and is one of the best business opportunities in the world. You can start an online consultancy to give advice about various aspects of life, such as finance, business, relationships, etc to your customers/clients. You will provide answers to all your customer queries with detailed explanations and explanations so that they can understand them properly without confusion regarding any topic related to your advice and solution. 

37. Online tutoring

It is also straightforward to start your own online tutoring business as all you need is a computer or laptop where you can do all your work from home or anywhere else you want without restrictions. 

You don’t require any experience or qualification or a college degree or any other formal education background to start an online tutoring business because anyone can become an expert on any subject given enough time and effort, which means anyone can become an expert in teaching anything through video lessons for people who want to learn something new but don’t have time or money for private classes.

No matter where or which country you belong to like the USA, India, etc, there is always a great opportunity to start online tutoring without any geographical boundary.

38. Video editing

Are you good at cutting videos, merging them with other ones, and overall editing them? If yes, you can become a video editor.

Video editors are experts who provide video editing services to businesses and influencers. They take videos and edit them the way their clients want and convert them into top-notch material.

You can provide this service on various freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. 

39. Domain flipping

Businesses are sometimes willing to pay any amount for a domain they need. In such cases, the person who owns that domain gets the chance to ask for a really high price and walk away with bags of dollars. This is what domain flippers do.

Domain flipping is the act of purchasing a domain name with the goal of selling it for a higher price when the demand arises in the future.

Fun fact: The domain name “Voice.com” was sold for $30 million.

40. Meme page

Who doesn’t love memes? I do, and I’m sure you do too

Nowadays, meme pages are getting tons of social

media audiences on a regular basis, which brings us to the point that meme pages have high potential. That’s why starting a meme page is considered one of the best business opportunities in the world right now.

You can start a meme page on social media platforms and create funny content to attract audiences. Later on, you can monetize it by including sponsored posts.

41. Babysitting

Nowadays both parents work, resulting in them not being able to properly look after their babies all the time. In such cases, they hire a babysitter.

Babysitters are trustworthy babysitting experts who take care of babies when the parents are not around. If you love being around babies, you can easily start off with this opportunity and make money while enjoying the work.

42. Niche websites

If you are tired of creating boring websites that cover all of the internet topics and earn you back nada, you can go for niche websites.

Niche websites are websites that focus on a really specific topic targeting a smaller group audience. Rather than covering a lot of topics, a niche website covers one specific topic and targets only one group of audience.

A good example of a niche website could be a website about cats. By covering everything about cats the website will attract thousands of cat lovers, and make money by promoting sponsored cat products, display ads, affiliate marketing, etc.

43. Online fitness training

With people being busier and the increasing demand for good fitness solutions, online fitness training has come out to be an excellent business opportunity.

You can start this business from your home, training and guiding people toward better health and fitness. By making use of technology and your fitness expertise, you can easily start and make money from this business.

44. Personalized nutrition and meal planner

In today’s world, people have become even more health-conscious and have started understanding the importance of diet and nutrition. This makes personalized nutrition and meal planning one of the best health business opportunities.

If you have a good knowledge of diet, meals, and nutrition, you can become a personalized meal planner and give tailored diet plans to each individual based on their unique characteristics.

With access to technology, you can easily start this business and make money.

45. Sell handmade products

Consumers are nowadays seeking products that are unique and personalized. That’s why selling handmade products can be one of the most beautiful business opportunities in the world.

If you are an artist and love to design unique products using different materials, you should undoubtedly start with this business.

With your artisan skills, you can create personalized products and market them on social media, to people who love to buy such kinds of things.

46. Become an ads manager

If you are active with digital marketing trends, you probably know how big the ads market has grown to be. 

With the rising use of technology, more businesses are trying to use ad networks to promote their products or services. However, not every business can manage these ads. In such cases, they hire an ads manager who creates and manages their ads campaign ensuring maximum return is achieved.

If you have past experience with managing ads or have a good understanding of how things work here, you can easily start with this opportunity and make money online.

47. SEO expert

Every business wants to rank in the first spot of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page), but not every business has the expertise to do so. That’s when they hire an SEO expert.

An SEO expert is a professional with experience and a good understanding of how search engines work and what should be done to rank higher on them. 

You can learn this skill and start providing the service to businesses, making dollars in return.

48. Copywriter

Another writing skill that you can learn and make money from is, copywriting.

A copywriter is a professional that specializes in writing persuasive texts that grab people’s attention and makes them take action. These experts have the ability to attract a reader just by their writing skills and lead them to take action.

Businesses hire copywriters for various purposes such as writing website copy, product descriptions, ad content, social media posts, etc. 

This overall makes copywriting one of the most profitable business opportunities.

49. Graphic designer

Are you good at creating eye-catching visual designs? If yes, you can become a graphic designer.

People nowadays get easily attracted to visually appealing designs. That’s why businesses look for graphic designers who can create eye-catching designs. If you have the skills to do so, you can grab this opportunity and start making money from it in a short period.

50. Sell on-demand products

Selling on-demand products is one of the best business opportunities in the world, where you produce products only when an order is placed. At first, you promote different products to the audience using various promotional channels, without producing it. Only when you receive an order for it, you start producing the product.

You can also take the help of various on-demand sites such as Redbubble that help you sell on-demand products.

51. Camera rental business

Nowadays, more and more people are aspiring to become YouTubers and influencers. This brings increasing demand for high-quality cameras for shooting videos. 

This is when you can purchase a high-quality camera and rent them to small YouTubers and influencers, and make money from it. 

52. Blog management agency

If you look through a business website, 8 out of 10 times it will have a blog page as well. That’s how important blogs are to businesses.

If you have past experience creating and managing blogs, you can start a blog management agency where you’ll be managing the blogs of businesses. 

From SEO to keeping track of results, your agency will provide all kinds of blog management solutions to its clients.

53. Voice overs

Do you enjoy experimenting with your voice? If yes, you can become a voice-over artist. 

Voiceover is the process of creating custom recordings based on your client’s requirements. If you have a good voice, you can easily begin with this business and start providing voiceovers to your clients. 

54. Restaurant directory

I’m sure at some point in time, you might have experienced the problem of not being able to find the best restaurants near you. Yes, this problem is faced by many of us. 

This is when you can bring a solution to this problem and also make money from it. The solution is – A restaurant directory.

A restaurant directory is a website that lists all the restaurants, their images, descriptions, reviews, etc, in a given area. You can create a restaurant directory and monetize it using various methods such as ads, restaurant promotions, subscriptions, etc.

55. Review website

You know what, I have a habit of checking the reviews before doing anything related to something. 

Planning to watch a movie? I read the reviews first, planning to read a book? I read the reviews first, planning to buy a product? I read the reviews first. 

That’s why I think creating a review website can be such a great business opportunity. 

You can select what type of review website you need to create and start reviewing your selected range, to make money from it.

56. Email marketer

With email marketing having a conversion rate higher than any other online marketing channel, businesses are looking for experts who can help them achieve this potential. This makes email marketing one of the best business opportunities in the world right now.

If you have past experience with creating email marketing campaigns and monitoring them, you can easily start off as a professional email marketer and make money from it.

57. Transcribing and captioning

If you are looking for a business opportunity that is easy to start, this one’s for you.

Transcribing is the process of listening to an audio and writing out what you hear as it is, in a document. 

Captioning is the process of taking the transcripted text and synchronizing it with the video. For example, the captions you see under a youtube video is called captioning.

There are several platforms online such as Rev that list the clients who need such kinds of work. 

58. Cloud kitchen

With a rise in the online food delivery market, cloud kitchen has become an amazing business opportunity for many individuals.

In a cloud kitchen business model, you don’t set up a restaurant. Rather, you set up your business online to take food orders through online methods, and deliver them to the customer.

59. Virtual assistant

Often entrepreneurs don’t get the time to take care of all the tasks as they are busy working on more important things. In such cases, they hire a virtual assistant who helps them with their workload.

As a virtual assistant, you’ll perform tasks like meeting scheduling, email management, data entry, and so on.

You can search for virtual assistant jobs on various job boards and apply for jobs at companies you want to work at. You can also become a freelance virtual assistant and get clients yourself by promoting your brand. 

60. Create a SAAS product

Well, this is one business opportunity that can earn you millions.

Many entrepreneurs have started building SAAS (Software As A Service) to target and solve other businesses’ problems. This type of business provides software services for a monthly fee.

A good example of a popular SAAS provider is Salesforce. 

61. Influencer marketing agency

With a rise in the use of social media, brands have started looking for influencers to market their products or services through them. 

However, it’s not easy for both parties to connect with each other. This is when an influencer marketing agency comes in. An influencer marketing agency connects brands with influencers who meet their needs and preferences.

62. Public speaker

Do you enjoy communicating with people? If yes, I would suggest you become a public speaker.

A public speaker is a person who delivers speeches to a group of audience, on a particular topic. You can specialize in engaging with people and making money by delivering keynote speeches at conferences, seminars, and corporate events.

63. Online reselling

With more and more people buying products online, online reselling has become a lucrative business opportunity in the world, for many individuals.

Online reselling is when you purchase a product from one source and sell them to customers online. In this model, you don’t have to manufacture goods. Rather, you find existing products, buy them, and sell them to your customers.

64. Own a food truck

One of the best things about owning a food truck is its mobility. This is because you can take your food truck to different locations and events. This helps set up your business in multiple locations and capture a large group audience. 

Furthermore, with a food truck, you can also adapt to changing trends and easily meet your customer’s preferences. The startup costs are low and the earning potential is high. So what are you waiting for? Start your food truck business today!

65. Drop servicing

Drop Servicing is the process of getting work from clients and outsourcing them to other skilled freelancers. It is similar to drop shipping, but instead of selling physical products, you offer services to your clients. 

All you have to do is leverage your marketing skills to attract the audience. Once you get the work, you can then outsource it to a professional and deliver the best quality service.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What are some of the best business opportunities to start right now?

    Some promising opportunities include tech-based businesses like AI services, sustainability-focused businesses, eCommerce, digital marketing, and online education.

  • How do I identify the best business opportunity for me?

    Identify your skills, passions, and resources, look at market trends, and conduct a thorough market research including a SWOT analysis.

  • How do I start a business in a new industry?

    Learn about the industry, identify your target market, develop a business plan, secure necessary funding, and then start building your team and product/service.


So this was the complete list of business opportunities in the world right now. 

Carefully go through the entire list and choose the opportunity that best suits your preferences, and start your business today! Remember, you can always come back to us and we’ll guide you through each step of your business because that’s what Dhandhakaro is all about.

Suraj Shrivastava

Suraj Shrivastava at ForgeFusion shares simple, effective ways to grow your business using SEO, content marketing, and AI, learned from helping over 50 companies. When he's not working, he loves teaching others or watching documentaries.

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