Semrush Review 2024: Details, Features, Pricing & Free Trial

Semrush Review

About Semrush

Suraj Shrivastava

All-in-one SEO toolkit with 50+ marketing tools
Data Accuracy
Support community
UI & ease of use
Features & Functionalities


Semrush is a powerful digital marketing and SEO toolkit that provides 50+ in-built tools and functionalities such as competitor analysis, keyword research, backlink analysis, site audits, and has everything you need to drive traffic and optimize your website in countless ways.


Are you struggling to drive traffic to your website? Before diving into a detailed Semrush review, let me share a fact (or rather a bitter truth of course) about website traffic that I’m sure you’ll relate to.

Some studies revealed that as many as 91% of websites receive no organic search traffic from Google, which means a large percentage of website owners are struggling to rank well in search results and attract visitors through search engines. 

But why!!!

Some of the primary contributing factors to this significant percentage include inadequate implementation of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, limited targeted marketing, insufficient promotional efforts, and an unclear understanding of the needs and preferences of the target audience.

Well, other factors include as well, such as high-quality and engaging content, a well-designed responsive website, etc. But perhaps you can cover all of these factors in a short span of time, once you get the complete roadmap, clear strategy, and target audience.

That’s why to make things easier and super effortless, I have covered here a complete in-depth Semrush review, which has almost all the tools and functionalities that you require to plan SEO strategy for your website, competitors research, boost website traffic, search engine ranking, etc.

So here we go.

What is Semrush – a quick glance

Semrush is a powerful digital marketing tool (A digital Swiss army knife I can say of course) that provides a wide range of comprehensive features and functionalities such as competitors analysis, keyword research, backlink analysis, site audits, and many more, to help website owners and brands improve their online visibility, drive traffic, and analyze & optimize website’s performance in a multitude of ways.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice in the field, Semrush is the ultimate tool for sharpening your digital marketing game and staying ahead of the competition.

But, perhaps you can ask me or you may be wondering what makes this unique, as almost all tools offer them. 

So allow me to clear your doubt first.

If I have mentioned here the ultimate tool, that means once you will start using this tool, I guaranteed no one tool you will use, like, love ever. You can get almost each & every feature here that you require for your website whether “content strategy? Semrush has”, “Content planning? Semrush has”, “Backlink analysis? Semrush has” and of course what’s not!  

The one feature, I am a big fan of this tool is website competitive analysis. Just you need to select your competitors and Semrush will start giving you data for all those sites that you have marked as competitors. 

Additionally, it will also give you prospects for each website owner where you can start outreaching to receive backlinks that your competitors already have.

That’s why I mentioned earlier in the first paragraph β€œdigital Swiss army knife”.

Semrush – a brief history

Semrush was founded in 2008 by Oleg Shchegolev and Dmitri Melnikov, two experienced digital marketers.

Before Semrush, while working on various SEO projects, they noticed a need for an ultimate digital marketing and SEO tool that would allow them to visualize their competitors’ online strategies. 

And guess what?

They decided to find their own solution and build their own platform and this is how they launched Semrush as a keyword research tool initially.

Over the years, Semrush has expanded its offerings to include a range of features such as SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media, market research, etc. 

As of February 2024, the platform serves over 10 million users (including free and paid) in more than 190 countries.

The company is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and has additional offices in Europe and Asia. 

In 2021, Semrush went public on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol “SEMR.”

Semrush features

So as of now, we got almost all the information like what is Semrush, who founded Semrush, and how it get started to understand better use cases.

Now, let’s explore each of the features that Semrush provides, along with step-by-step instructions on how to use them for your specific needs.

Semrush for SEO

Semrush organized all the tools according to the features they offer and the purposes they serve. For example, If you want to access Semrush for SEO work and purposes, you can head up to the SEO tab.

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Let’s see all the features, that Semrush provides for better SEO.

Steal competitor’s data using competitive research

Domain Overview

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You might have heard this quote somewhere.

β€œThe weakness of an enemy forms part of your own strength.”

That’s why if you are not looking into your competitors, means you are losing a race from your competitors.

But how can you find your competitor’s weaknesses or strengths if you want to look?

So here Semrush comes into the role to give you complete insights into your competitors. 

By analyzing the competitor’s domain, you can easily get your competitor’s domain strength, online visibility, top organic and paid keywords on which they are ranking and making business, and whatever you want to see.

For example, if I want to look at and analyze to get complete details about this domain, where it is ranking, primary and supportive keywords that bring traffic to, and much more as I mentioned above. 

So I’ll simply put the domain and hit the button.

And boom! Here we go.

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Compare Domains

Furthermore, you can compare your domain with your competitors to visualize the complete pictures of where you are lacking and your competitors are not.

Upon comparing, Semrush gives you in-depth reports about your competitor’s domains such as the number of backlinks, organic search traffic, paid search traffic, etc.

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Even you can compare and analyze your competitor’s visibility and ranking status country-wise.

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Growth Report

After reviewing the comprehensive data and insights on your competitors, you can export the report and collaborate with your team to develop effective strategies and a roadmap for your business’s success.

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Traffic Analytics

Traffic analytics is another critical feature provided by Semrush, which allows you to check and analyze in-depth website traffic insights for your competitors. Similar to Google Analytics, it provides all the benchmarks you need to analyze your competitor’s website traffic. 

You can filter the website traffic based on devices, your competitor’s top pages, traffic journey, and traffic sources such as direct, referral, social, & organic, etc to plan your marketing strategy accordingly.

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Additionally, you can create a list of your top 20 competitors and analyze traffic and all data at the same time to find where you lacking and what initiative you have to take based on all these data.

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Apart from analyzing the website traffic of the top 20 competitors, Semrush also gives the option to analyze website traffic in bulk for up to 100 websites at a time.

So, if you have indirect competitors that you think might help you gather data and reports for your website, you can simply paste all those websites into Semrush’s β€œAnalyze in Bulk” option to get in-depth details.

In addition, you can also select a specific country or worldwide if you have any targeted country and your competitors too.

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Organic Research

Do you know? There are four major sources of website traffic

  • Direct traffic source
  • Referral traffic source
  • Social media source
  • Organic traffic source

Let me brief all these one by one –

1. Direct traffic source

When users know your website as a brand so they usually come to your website directly searching through your brand name. This traffic source only works when your brand has strong awareness in the market as well known brand. 

For example, if I’ll ask you, what shopping portal you usually use or search when you require something, most probably the answer would be Amazon or any well-known brand that acquired the market in your country.

This traffic source work after some years of hard work and the marketing strategy you are implementing for your brand identity. 

2. Referral traffic source

This traffic source acquires traffic from all websites, where they mention your website in terms of the service or product you offer your users.

This source only works, when you have a strong network in your community and build a partnership with your competitors and all spaces in the same niche that you think is relevant.

3. Social media source

This traffic source is clear by its name itself, Social media.

When you build a strong presence of your brand on social media, this traffic source works in your favor in terms of traffic gaining.

4. Organic traffic source

If you see the stats of your website, you found that the traffic percentage of this source is far more compare to all the above 3 sources. And here most of the websites usually depend on traffic and work to dominate the SERP in the terms of more traffic acquisition.

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Like your website ranking, your keywords position, number of backlinks, or whatever we do in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and technical SEO, all these work in favor of organic search. 

Meaning the more your keywords rank at SERP’s top position the more you acquire traffic to your website.

So here you can use Semrush’s organic search feature to dig dipper your competitor’s organic traffic, like on which keywords they are ranking, on what landing page they are appearing, which blogs they targeted, how they cover users’ intent through their blog or website pages, their domain position, etc.

Once you create reports on all these data, you can plan your content marketing strategy and SEO strategy based on these reports. 

For example, if your competitor has one of the keywords acquiring traffic to their blog so you can plan to create a blog on the same keyword with more in-depth details compared to your competitor.

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Furthermore, you can also check the intent of the keywords to know, on which keywords, what details you have to put, and what your users are looking for.

Keyword Gap

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Keyword Gap is another feature provided by Semrush to find the gap in keywords between you and your competitor’s websites.

You can add up to 5 competitors along with your domain and find the scope, on which keywords your competitors are ranking and you are not.

Semrush gives you all the keywords, that you have to focus on and work that your competitors are already working on. 

So using this feature, you can create a list of all the unique largest keywords by removing the common keywords and planning content strategy.

In addition, you can also apply filters for organic keywords, paid keywords, and based on intent such as informational, transactional, commercial, navigational, etc. 

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Regardless of Google guidelines, Backlink is a major factor for any website in becoming an authority and website ranking.

The majority of SEOs or website owners use outdated backlink-building techniques such as profile submission, directory submission, etc. 

But, if you really want to outrank your competitors, build your own website authority, and rank your website, you have to dig your competitor’s backlink profile and hunt to acquire all those backlinks where your competitors have already linked.

So in this case, Semrush’s Backlink Gap feature works like a boon for SEOs, where you can see the all websites and backlink opportunities that your competitors have already linked and you are not.

Therefore, simply you have to put your competitor’s root domain, and boom!

Even, you can filter the backlink based on their authority such as best, weak, strong, etc.

Moreover, Semrush also gives you the feature to create a list of all these opportunities, get prospects, and plan outreach strategies.

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So as of now, we can see Semrush’s capabilities in the terms of competitors’ research and outrank your competitors. 

But, don’t move!

There are many things yet to cover in this ultimate Semrush review.

The ultimate keyword research feature

The keyword research feature is another amazing powerful tool provided by Semrush, where you can research the keywords for any type of niche that you are working on.

Let’s see one by one – 

Keyword Overview

The majority of SEOs blindly rely on the Google Keyword research planner tool but believe me this is the biggest misconception for SEOs that they think this tool provides accurate data.

And that’s why you face too many difficulties to rank your selected keyword and most of the time eventually failed.

There are many benchmarks that we should consider while doing keyword research. 

And to be frank, I always advise SEOs to not trust blindly any keyword research tool for your targeted keyword. 

This can be done better with the help of keyword research tools and your own logical research. 

Therefore, Semrush helps you in your keyword research process in a multitude of ways such as keyword volume, intent, keyword difficulty, SERP features, and most importantly, (especially for me) I rely upon, top competitors/websites ranking on the same keyword and their authorities.

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Furthermore, Semrush also gives you historical data to check the ranking fluctuation for your selected keywords.

In addition, it also provides you with semantic and other keyword ideas for the same keyword with similar intent you are looking for or targeting.

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Bulk Keyword Research

If you need to research multiple keywords in bulk, Semrush’s Bulk Keyword Research feature allows you to gain comprehensive insights and compare data all at once.

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Keyword Magic Tool

This is one of my favorite Semrush features that I use frequently for my keyword research work.

You have to enter only your seed keyword and Keyword Magic Tool gives you a complete list of related keywords for your seed keyword. 

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Additionally, it provides a list of long-tail keywords suggestion too that you can use initially for your website to get ranked in a short span of time.

Under Keyword Magic Tool, you can also filter all types of keywords, whatever you are looking for such as broad match, phrase match, exact match, and related keywords.

Keyword Manager

Keyword Manager is a space Semrush provided to you, where you can save all your selected keywords, get fresh metrics, and export as per your need.

Position Tracking

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Semrush provides a feature to track your targeted keyword position at SERP. So it always helps you to keep an eye on your targeted keywords and plan your SEO or backlink strategy accordingly.

You can track the position of up to 10 keywords for free. 

Organic Traffic Insights

Organic Traffic Insights, as I can say like Google Analytics where you can review and analyze your website traffic in depth. 

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You can see here the top-ranking pages for your website including keywords, sessions, users, bounce rate, and the data for your website just like Google Analytics.

Backlink play one of the important key roles to rank any website and it is a major factor for website ranking.

Semrush provides a comprehensive tool to analyze your website and your competitor’s backlink profile by conducting deep link analysis in just a single click. 

Additionally, it gives all the metrics and benchmarks that you require to see in competitor backlinks profiles such as domain authority, page authority, traffic, anchor, etc

Let’s see the complete features that Semrush has under the link-building tool including how it helps you to find link building opportunities.

Using the backlink analytics tool, you can compare your and your competitor’s link profile in depth.

Semrush has a large database for backlinks as a source revealed that there are almost 43 trillion quality backlinks that Semrush crawls to get more accurate results.

Just you have to put the website link which you want to analyze and boom!

Semrush provides the following significant metrics through deep link analysis, which you can consider when analyzing your competitor’s backlinks:

Referring Domains & Backlinks: Total number of referring domains & backlinks, the website has.

Live Update: Semrush provides you with a total number of backlinks that are built in a day for the website.

Authority Score: Semrush has its own algorithm, something similar to MOZ (DA) & Ahrefs (DR) to define authority for each website.

Network Graph: It shows you network insight for a domain.

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Top Anchors: It provides insight into all the top anchors on which the website has received backlinks.

Referring Domains by Authority Score: You can see and filter the domain based on their authority.

Backlink Types: Semrush also provides you a feature to check what types of backlinks a website has such as contextual, image, form, and frame.

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Apart from that, there are many metrics too, that you can see under the backlink analytics, such as top pages, top countries, similar profiles, link profile distribution, etc.

Once you analyze the complete results, you can export them to create further plans and strategies to acquire your competitor’s backlinks.

To make it more smooth execution, Semrush also provides link building tool that I’ll discuss in the next section.

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Spam and low-quality backlink can harm your website’s reputation and destroy your website ranking.

That’s why backlink auditing is one of the most crucial features for SEOs provided by Semrush, that helps you to analyze the backlink on technical levels, such as backlink toxicity, identification of spam backlinks, low-quality irrelevant backlinks, etc.

You can easily select those backlinks and pull under the Disavow directly from Semrush if you have integrated Semrush with Google Seach Console.

This is the advanced feature that Semrush provides for SEOs and outreach specialists to find link building opportunities and domain prospects who outreach to brands and websites for link-building.

Based on your ranked keywords status, Semrush match and compares these with other websites that are ranking at the same keywords, have the same niche & category and give you a complete list of domain prospects with potential opportunities where you can outreach for link-building.

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Moreover, you can filter the complete prospect lists based on your direct and indirect competitors, domain authority, and rating where Semrush considers 50+ factors to analyze the domain quality and score them out of 5.

Once you filter the prospects, you can add your selected websites in β€œTo In Progress” section, to manage and plan the outreach. 

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Not only this, you can even configure your Semrush account from Gmail or other email tools using SMTP and email them directly through the Semrush dashboard for link acquisition. 

Semrush gives a sending limit of 500 emails per day which is enough for daily outreach.

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At the same time, you can update the status based on your outreach. Plus, you can plan your outreach strategy and angle to acquire a link more prominently.

For example, If any prospect only provides a link through a guest post instead of a link placement, you can outreach them with a guest post angle using Semrush.

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If you work in link building or on an outreach team, you may encounter problems with tracking and monitoring backlinks. Link builders and outreach teams often feel stressed and worried about backlinks, especially when sites remove hard-earned backlinks without letting them know.

So to make monitoring easier and automated, Semrush provides a monitoring feature where you can monitor and track all those links to see if they are active or removed.

Also, once you will start receiving links from your prospects, you can move them into the monitor section to keep tracking.

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If you want to do bulk backlink analysis and get multiple link-building opportunities, you can use Semrush’s bulk backlink analysis feature to work with them.

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It provides up to 200 URLs/domains limit to analyze in bulk and export results.

Use Semrush for Technical & On-page SEO

So far we have seen how we can use Semrush effectively and what features/tools they offer for off-page SEO, keyword research, link-building, competitors analysis, and many more things.

Now it’s time to see how we can analyze and manage technical SEO and on-page SEO of our website using Semrush.

But before that let me brief the technical & off-page SEO and their factors to make things more relatable.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing your website for search engine crawling and indexing, with the goal of improving your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Importance of technical SEO

Here are some key importance of technical SEO –

  • Improves website crawlability and indexing by search engines
  • Enhances website speed and performance, leading to a better user experience
  • Helps to identify and fix technical issues that can negatively impact SEO
  • Ensures proper handling of duplicate content and canonicalization
  • Improves website security and reduces vulnerability to hacking
  • Helps search engines understand the content and structure of your website through structured data
  • Increases website visibility and search engine rankings, leading to higher traffic and conversions
  • Provides a solid foundation for other SEO tactics, such as on-page optimization and content marketing.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the process of optimizing individual web pages to improve their ranking and visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

It involves optimizing various elements on a webpage, such as content, HTML source code, and meta tags, to make them more relevant and valuable to both users and search engines.

Importance of On-page SEO

Here are some key importance of on-page SEO –

  • Helps search engines understand the content and context of a webpage
  • Increases visibility and ranking of individual web pages in search engine results pages (SERPs)
  • Improves user experience by providing relevant and valuable content
  • Optimizes webpage elements, such as meta tags and header tags, for better search engine crawling and indexing
  • Helps to identify and fix technical issues that can negatively impact SEO
  • Increases website traffic and engagement by providing high-quality content and user-friendly design
  • Provides a solid foundation for other SEO tactics, such as link building and off-page optimization
  • Enables website owners to track and analyze website performance using web analytics tools.

Well, Both technical and on-page SEO are vast topics on their own, but I have briefly covered them here so that you can understand their importance. And without both, it is difficult to move forward and outrank our competitors.

So every phase is important when it comes to marketing your brand, increasing website traffic, boosting website ranking, and outranking your competitors.

Now, let’s see how Semrush can help us with these works under technical & on-page SEO and what they offer here.

Site Auditing

If you are familiar with technical SEO optimization, you probably use tools like ScreamingFrog. Semrush provides something similar feature for technical website auditing to get the complete scope of improvements.

Though it does not completely provide an in-depth report like ScreamingFrog but it will be enough for you to work for your website.

Just you need to head up by clicking on site auditing and here you go –

Site Health Score: After crawling your website, Semrush provides a site health score out of 100 by considering all the errors, warnings, and unique aspects of your site.

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It also provides the crawlability score, site performance, top page issues, and everything that impacts directly and indirectly website performance in the terms of users and search engines.

In addition, you get a list of all issues that your site has currently with the suggestion on β€œhow to fix it”. Just you have to spot the area where all errors have existed and can fix them easily by following the how-to-fix guides.

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You can also see the historical charts of the error along with progress reports.

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On Page SEO Checker

We have already discussed on page SEO and its importance in the previous section.

Now it’s time to see, how Semrush can help you in on page SEO optimization for your website and blog effectively.

Semrush categorizes complete on page optimization suggestions into 7 ideas:

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Strategy Ideas – Here Semrush helps you in identifying top-ranking pages or keywords on your website so that you can make decisions to identify which one you should target first to get results in a short span of time.

Backlinks Ideas – Semrush analyzes your target pages with your competitors and gives you the expected number of backlinks that you require to outrank your competitors along with domain references from where you can acquire backlinks.

User Experience Ideas – We probably know the importance of website user experience if we need to rank our website. With the recent Google algorithm updates, it’s completely clear and even stricter that user experience in the terms of website responsiveness, Core Web Vitals, page speed, LCP, CLS, etc are considered as a major factor.

So here Semrush helps you by giving user experience ideas upon analyzing your target pages or website if there will be room for improvements.

Technical SEO Ideas – As I mentioned earlier, technical SEO is very important for any website. Semrush analyzes your target pages and gives you the idea for better improvements in the terms of crawlability and other technical stuff.

SERP Features Ideas – To get featured at SERP, means more clicks and more clicks tend to more sales. So  Semrush analyzes your target pages with your competitors’ pages and gives you ideas to get ranked in the 0th position and featured on SERP.

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Semantic Ideas – While focusing on the target keyword, it is so important to cover other similar keywords with the same intent as well to rank over the SERP with more keywords for the targeted page.

In fact, Google also recommends, creating related content and optimizing content for other similar keywords apart from the focus keyword tends to rank on multiple keywords with lots of page traffic.

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So here you can take the help of Semrush to get all semantic and similar terms or keywords in order to enhance your targeted pages along with, what your competitors are covering.

Content Ideas – As I mentioned earlier, creating relevant content for your target pages is recommended by Google’s semantic ideas. This can lead to increased traffic and higher rankings.

So, here you can also take the help of Semrush to get the list of complete related content ideas and what other contents your competitors have covered.

Furthermore, Semrush has an additional feature name as β€œTop 10 Benchmarking”, which gives you some ideas such as content length, referring domains, etc for your target pages by analyzing your top 10 competitors.

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Log File Analyzer

Despite being the most technical part of SEO, most SEO experts ignore log files and don’t do anything with them.

Even most SEO experts do not aware of it.

So let me brief you about it along with its importance so that you probably start analyzing it.

What is Log File?

A log file is a record of all the requests made to a web server. It includes information about each request, such as the time, the IP address of the user making the request, the type of request, and the response code.

What is Log File Analysis?

Log file analysis in SEO involves analyzing the server log files of a website to gather information about user requests, including search engine crawlers. This data can be used to optimize the website’s performance and search engine visibility.

Benefits of Log File Analysis?

Some important aspects of log file analysis in SEO include:

  • Identifying crawl patterns: By analyzing log files, SEO professionals can see which pages are being crawled most frequently, which pages are being ignored, and whether there are any crawl issues that might be impacting search engine visibility.
  • Finding crawl errors: Log file analysis can help identify errors such as broken links, server errors, and other issues that can negatively impact search engine rankings.
  • Monitoring website security: Log file analysis can also help identify potential security issues, such as bots or hackers attempting to access the website.
  • Understanding user behavior: Log files can provide insights into how users are interacting with a website, including the most popular pages, the time spent on each page, and the paths users take through the website.
  • Tracking website performance: By analyzing log files, website owners can track the performance of their website over time, including the impact of any changes or updates to the site.

In summary, log file analysis is an important tool for SEO professionals to optimize a website’s performance, improve search engine visibility, and identify potential security issues.

So as of now you almost get the idea about Log File Analysis. 

Now let’s see, How Semrush can help you with this work.

Semrush gives you a feature to analyze log files in one click in order to see the complete picture. Just you need to download your website log files from a server and upload it to the Semrush dashboard.

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If you don’t know, how you can download log files, then no worries!

Semrush also gives you steps to download log files from your server. You only need to follow their given steps.

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So that was it from Semrush for the SEO works.

And so far, I must sure you probably get the idea about the Semrush tool and how powerful it is.

Perhaps, you don’t need any tool other than this one.

Now, let’s head up to the Semrush local SEO section to know, how you can manage and use Semrush for local SEO.

Semrush for Local SEO

As of now, I have explained everything about global SEO and how Semrush can help you achieve your SEO goals more efficiently.

But, what about those businesses or websites that have a physical shop or store at specific geographical locations and want to get more customers/clients from that area only?

For example, if you have a dental clinic, then chances would be to get patients from your established area or near about only. Because these types of businesses more depend on physical locations under specific boundaries.

Well, in this case, you should more focus on local SEO rather than global SEO with the goal of getting more customers/clients from near your physical store.

For local SEO, Google My Business work like a cherry on the top, where you can list your store name with complete optimization, so that if your customers look for services/product that you provide near your store then they will probably find your store online with complete information and navigation to reach your store.

Ah! Let’s refocus on our topic at hand. While local SEO and optimization is an important subject, it deserves its own dedicated post which I will be writing shortly.

Listing Management

If you run a brick-and-mortar business or have a website with a physical location, you may want to check your local business visibility. This includes evaluating factors such as how your business appears to customers, where it is listed online, and what kind of social media presence you have. 

Then you can take the help of Semrush’s Listing Management feature to know all those things.

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Just you need to enter your business name and Semrush does the rest of everything for you.

After scanning, it provides in-depth reports by including where you are lacking, what scope of improvements you have left for your business, and what action you have to take for it.

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It also suggests a list of directories related to your industry or niche, where you can list your local business in order to improve your ranking. Even, Semrush offers a powerful automatic NAP (Name, Address, Phone) management feature, that syncs your correct details across all directories to avoid manual work.

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Furthermore, Semrush also allows an integration feature, where you can integrate your Google My Business profile to manage customer reviews, track local keywords, check heatmap, and monitor customer engagement, and reply rate.

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Spy local business competitors using Semrush

You can add all your local business competitors at Semrush to track what they are doing, how they are doing, customer engagements, targeted keywords, and reviews.

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Review Management

Do you know? Almost 82% of customers look for online reviews and ratings before buying any products or services.

That’s why online reputation is so crucial for any business in order to acquire more customers and clients.

To manage online reputation, there is a dedicated way called Online Reputation Management which I’ll discuss in near future for sure but here we can assume how powerful and important online reviews are based on the above percentage.

So probably this is not a field to ignore or avoid if you are really concerned for your business.

To manage all online reviews and ratings across all directories, give them a timely reply, track your business analytics and increase your online reputation, Semrush provides a crucial cum powerful all-in-one feature called Review Management.

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Just you need to enter your business name and now Semrush will do everything for you.

You can even set the alert for a low-star rating and reply to them at the same time to convert it into a high-star rating.

Not this only, you can compare your reviews with your competitors to plan your online reputation strategy.

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Semrush for PPC

If you run Google Ads campaigns for your business then here is good news for you.

Apart from SEO, Semrush also provides PPC Advertising Toolkit like SpyFu to help you with campaign plans, competitors analysis, keywords analysis, and everything that you need to run a Google Ads campaign.

So let’s see one by one, what Semrush offers under PPC Advertising Toolkit and how you can use them effectively.

Advertising Research

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Businesses usually get confused while determining the actual competitors between who run Google ads campaigns and who aren’t.

If you analyze the SERP, you find mainly two results 

  1. Organic results that you have to consider your SEO competitors
  2. Ad results that you have to consider your PPC competitors

Here Semrush researches all of your main paid search competitors who run the ads frequently and acquire most of the customers.

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It also provides the complete list of paid keywords of your competitors on which they are bidding and gets positioned at the top of the SERP.

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Moreover, Semrush also shows you live examples of your competitor’s ads including sitelinks, etc, allowing you to create more effective ad copy and campaigns that outperform those of your competitors.

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As marketers, we spend a significant amount of time on campaign budgeting and strategy development when running ads. 

However, Semrush offers a helpful solution to this challenge by allowing you to spy on your competitors’ ad strategies and budgets. This can be a valuable “life hack” for optimizing your own ad campaigns.

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Using Semrush you could also able to see, what amount they are spending on their campaign, pages they are targeting, keywords types they are bidding on such as Broad, Phrase, & Exact including a position for each keyword, and what amount they have bided on each selected keyword.

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Here you can see, eBay targeting the following pages to bring users to their website.

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Product Listing Ads (PLA) Research

If you run an ecommerce website and run a Google shopping ad campaign, PLA research could be the game changer for you.

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Using Semrush’s PLA research you can uncover the all target keywords that your competitors are using for their Product Listing Ads (PLAs), identify the positioning of their shopping ads, compare the pricing of their products with yours, and analyze the focus keywords that are targeting by competitors.

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You can even analyze and research ad copy for each product that your competitors are using.

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By doing so, you’ll be able to gain valuable insights into your competitors’ strategies for shopping ads, which ultimately helps you to plan your own campaign.

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In essence, I can say Semrush is a tool that can help you stay ahead of the competition and achieve success in the ecommerce industry.

PPC Keyword Tool

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Semrush provides a dedicated feature for PPC keyword analysis and management. It helps you in deciding a more business-oriented keyword rather than guessing so that you can run your PPC campaign more confidently.

If you created a list of keywords for your campaign or already have an existing list, you can simply upload it here to generate more keyword combinations or ideas. 

Once you get all keywords that are suitable to your business, Semrush helps you to filter them by the right CPC, volume, relevancy, competition, etc., and clean it by removing all duplicate and unnecessary keywords.

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Even you can remove all keywords that are conflicting with each ad group to save time and money.

Once it gets filtered, you can simply export and import it to the Google Ads dashboard.

Okay so this was all about Semrush for PPC, rest you can explore it from yourself to know how it can help you with your business and website.

Semrush for Social Media

As of now, we saw, how the SEO team and PPC team can use Semrush effectively. Now it’s time to see how the Social Media team can use Semrush effectively as well and what’s the deal inside.

Let’s check it out.

Social Media Post Automation

Do you know? According to Buffer, by doing manual social media posting and management you waste 6 hours a week.

Well, this is too much, if you really care about your time and even why we waste our 6 hours of the week if we have a better option to save it?

Now, here Semrush can come into the role to save your time and for efficient social media management.

Using Semrush’s social media post automation, you can schedule your posts for most of the platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. by uploading here.

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You just only need to add all your business social media accounts with Semrush and it’s done.

Once you got added all your accounts, you can simply automate your posts by selecting the date and time from Semrush’s calendar.

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Content Ideas

Social media marketers often spend a significant amount of time researching and brainstorming content ideas, such as post topics, competitor analysis(I must be sure we see them manually πŸ™), and market trends.

This can have a direct impact on team productivity and ultimately affect the overall success of the business.

A solution to this problem is to use Semrush’s social media management tool, which conveniently comes with the FREE Semrush plan – making it an added bonus for users.

Similar to Buffer, here you can also research the trending content idea for your social media post by adding your competitors and inspirations.

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Social Tracker

Using a social tracker you can review your social media overall performance for each channel along with the top content on your profile. This can be helpful for you if any of the content has generated great engagements so that you can plan your posts accordingly.

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The best part of this feature is, you can compare your social media profiles with your competitors to know where you are lacking and where your competitors are gaining the best engagements.

For comparison, Semrush analyzes three basic metrics i.e. audience, activity, and engagement, which is enough to get a details report for your social profiles.

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Social Analytics

If you are not looking into your social media profile analytics, it means you are losing your business, your time, your resources, your genuine followers and everything that has a direct or indirect connection with it.

Social media analysis is a great way to know everything about your profile direction, your audience including demographics, interests, behavior patterns, and most importantly your social media marketing strategy roadmap.

It also helps in trendspotting, user sentiment/feedback, social media ROI, data-driven decisions, crisis management, marketing campaigns, etc.

So long story short, we saw the importance and benefits of social media analytics analysis, now it’s time to see how Semrush can help you with it.

Marketers often find it frustrating to analyze the analytics dashboard of each social media platform separately, especially if their brand has a presence on multiple platforms.

Thankfully, Semrush provides a solution to this challenge by allowing you to analyze your social media profiles across multiple platforms on a single dashboard.

At Semrush, you can get an in-depth report on everything that you need for your social media growth, such as audience persona, profile interactions, followers’ activity, etc.

In our case, currently, we are more focused on Instagram compared to other platforms, so you can see in the below image what types of audience we have with all the necessary details.

(Sorry team, I’m revealing our secret report here 😝)

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At profile interactions, you can also see the follower’s activities, interaction types, and so on.

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Social Inbox

The recently introduced Semrush feature enables you to stay up-to-date with your online presence by displaying new messages as soon as someone mentions your brand, comments on your posts, or sends you a direct message.

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So this could be so helpful for you to manage all chats in a single window if your brand focuses on multiple platforms.  

Additionally, it also works similarly to Feedly or Social Mention tool, which keeps you informed on getting mentioned.

Semrush Social Media Poster Chrome Extension

To schedule and automate social media posts more efficiently, Semrush provides a free Chrome extension. You can download it on your Chrome web browser and easily automate your posts with just one click.

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In addition, if you wish to share your blog post on your social media profiles, you can easily do so by opening your blog page and clicking on the extension button. 

This will allow you to share the post across all platforms that you have integrated with your Semrush account or of course you can select the platform where you want to share exactly.

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So this was all from Semrush for social media management. Rest you can explore and see how it can benefit your business by creating an account at Semrush.

Semrush for Content Marketing

You might have heard Bill Gates’ famous quote β€œcontent is king”. 

According to Neil Patel, A lot of marketing funnels out there aren’t suffering from bad writing; they’re suffering from the wrong type of content.

Many businesses underestimate the power of content marketing because of ineffective strategies that lead to poor results and ultimately cause them to disregard it altogether.

To provide weightage on my above statement, I would like to add one of the proven quotes provided by Julie Fleischer, VP of Marketing, Neustar and according to her, Content Marketing provides 4x the ROI of our traditional marketing spend.

Some of the key benefits of content marketing are:

  • Establishes trust
  • Drives traffic
  • Improves SEO
  • Increases engagement
  • Builds brand awareness
  • Provides long-term value
  • Cost-effective
  • Provides a competitive edge

So now you know the strength of content marketing and how important it is.

But at the same time, this can be a disaster for your business if you will not use the right content marketing strategy and tool for your business.

Because according to David Beebe, former head of content, Marriott, Content marketing is really like a first date. If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date.

Additionally, the wrong content marketing strategy can harm your business reputation, brand positioning, and vice versa of all the benefits that I mentioned above.

To build the right and impactful content marketing strategy for your business there are many tools such as Semrush, BuzzSumo, etc available on the internet that can help you with it.

Similar to BuzzSumo, Semrush provides all the features that you require to create an effective content market strategy.

Let’s uncover the all features that Semrush provides for content marketing.

Topic Research

Semrush’s topic research tool helps you to find trending content topics in your industry. You can even put your or your competitor’s domain here to find the top, relevant, and trending topic.

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Furthermore, it also provides a content gap analysis feature, using you can figure out and find the gap between your content and your competitor’s contents that are ranking well.

To get relevant and low-difficulty content topic ideas that can rank without much effort, you can apply a filter based on difficulty, volume, or topic efficiency. 

In my case, searching for the best shoes you can see the result that I’m getting including keyword difficulty and volume. 

Also, you can see the top 10 headlines that are ranking well on this keyword along with the top questions that are usually asked by the right audiences.

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Additionally, you can see the total number of backlinks for each result that will give you the idea to filter the types of content which need less number of backlinks to rank the content over SERP. You can even assume the total number of backlinks you require to rank particular content.

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Perhaps we all know how related or semantic keywords help us to rank the content if we apply them smartly.

So here you can also get the all related keywords list that you can apply in your content to rank on a high number of keywords.

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Similar to the β€œAnswer the Public” tool, Semrush provides a mind map tool, which can help you to visualize the all contents that are trending at your searched or focused keyword.

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Once you filtered out the all keywords, you can add all of them to your favorite list to start working on them.

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SEO Content Template

Semrush offers an amazing feature that can assist with creating SEO optimized content, which we all know is crucial for ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Even if your content is excellent, without optimization, it may not be able to rank effectively.

And that’s why almost all AI content writing tools inbuilt this feature to generate optimized content. But these tools can be used for assistance not for dependency. 

So moving back to this feature, you just need to put your target keyword and that’s it. 

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Semrush provides you with a complete template with SEO optimized outline by analyzing SERP and top-ranking competitor domains for the same keyword.

Additionally, it also gives you a recommended word count for your blog, semantic/related words, or keywords that you can use in your content while writing along with the expected number of backlinks including domains name that you require to rank your blog over SERP and outrank your competitors.

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You can also apply a filter based on your target country to get results accordingly.

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SEO Writing Assistant

If you use CMS like wordpress you are probably quite familiar with SEO plugins like RankMath and Yoast that provide complete SEO optimization suggestions for your content to rank over the SERP and outrank your competitors.

Similar to these plugins, this Semrush’s feature provides the complete SEO optimization suggestion for your content by analyzing top SERP results for your primary keyword.

Just only you need to do, paste your written content here or even you can add the content directly from your blog through the URL if you already have published it on your website.

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Semrush considers total 4 ways to analyze the content which are Readability, Originality, Tone of Voice, and SEO and based on these 4 metrics, it provides a score out of 10. 

The higher number, the great optimized content. But, it can be contradictory, since we can’t rely 100% on any tool. 

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In addition, to using SEO writing assistant at various places Semrush also provides an extension for Google Docs, that you can use while writing and optimizing the content. Even, it also has a WordPress plugin that you can download from the WordPress repository.

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After installing it in Google Docs, you can get complete optimization suggestions by putting your focus keyword. 

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Moreover, it provides recommendations to enhance your content and maximize its potential reach.

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Rephraser Feature

Semrush’s SEO writing assistant includes an amazing feature that you’ll love. It allows you to easily rephrase, simplify, expand, or summarize parts of your content. 

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The best part? The AI algorithm takes care of generating a new version of the text for you. This will not only save you time, but it also helps you avoid writer’s block and allows you to come up with fresh ideas.

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Compose with AI

Semrush’s Compose with AI, I can say similar to AI writing tools that can help you generate more content on a topic, provide you with answers to your questions, and even write a short essay on a given topic. By using this feature, you can save time and effort that would have been spent on research and writing.

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Since it’s still in the beta phase, a lot will come with it similar to other AI writing tools. 

Well, there is a long debate about whether we should prefer AI writing tools or not. But I always suggest using the AI writing tool/ChatGPT for content assistance, not for content writing. 

If you will these tools as content assistance this can be a boon for you but being completely dependent upon these tools can be a disaster for you.

So, to conclude with it, by using Compose with AI, you can improve your productivity and creativity, and ultimately achieve your content goals.

Post Tracking

Usually, brands or content marketers face one of the big challenges while doing content marketing, evaluating reports (profit or loss) for any sponsored campaign whether sponsored content or paid guest posts, etc.

You didn’t get my point?

Let me explain in a more simple way.

When you pitch any website owner for a guest post, most probably you receive a paid price with any amount let’s say $100.

For instance, you agreed to a price and sent content for publishing with $100. How can you tell if the campaign was successful and if the $100 was worth it?

Well, here Semrush can help you while letting you know whether your campaign was successful or not. So that you can take the next decision to move forward or not from that particular website in the future.

You can check if a sponsored or guest post is doing well by putting its URL in the Semrush Post Tracking section. It analyzes the post every day and shows you any progress made over the week or month.

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You can see the metrics like referral traffic, keywords, social shares, backlinks, and estimated reach.

For example, if your sponsored post sends you a visit to your target website, you can consider as a successful campaign.

If your posts have received a bunch of social shares you can consider as a successful campaign in terms of engagement.

Even you can track the focus keyword that you have selected for your sponsored post and can see if the post started ranking or not by adding that keyword here.

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So to conclude with it, this Semrush feature analyzes the external content and helps you in your decision-making for the next campaign with the same website while evaluating the previous one.

Content Audit

A content audit is another helpful feature provided by Semrush. It helps you in analyzing your website content and recommend you based on traction and metrics.

It categorized your complete website posts in 4 ways.

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Rewrite or remove: If you have pages that were published over 24 months ago and have been viewed less than 15 times in the last 30 days, Semrush saves the types of posts under this category.

Need to update: If you have pages that were published over 6 months ago and have been viewed less than 15 times in the last 30 days, Semrush saves the types of posts under this category.

Quick review: If you have pages that were published within 6 months and have been viewed more than 150 times in the last 30 days, save them under this category.

Poor content: If you have pages less than 200 words, save them under this category.

So based on these categories you can probably get an idea about the next action for your post.

You can even do in-depth content auditing for a particular post and export the report through Google Sheets or any way.

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So this was all about Semrush’s content marketing tool. There are a lot more that you can explore by signing up here.

Semrush for Trends Analyzer

Semrush’s Trends Analyzer helps you to find a market trend in your target niche to get ahead of your competition. It gives you a quick market overview and competitive digital insights to uncover some seriously cool growth opportunities. 

It’s like having a crystal ball for your business!

Market Explorer

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Using this tool, you can get an instant market size overview, allowing you to quickly analyze any industry or organic competitors. 

Not only you can identify industry leaders based on acquisition channels, traffic trends, and audience demographics, but you can also view traffic data for all domains in the researched market.

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That’s not all. Market Explorer also allows you to conduct market share analysis and explore market-wide trends, giving you invaluable insights to inform your data-driven marketing strategy. Plus, you can reveal audience demographics, interests, and social media preferences.

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In short, Semrush Market Explorer is the perfect tool for any business looking to stay ahead of the game. 


If you keep your eye on your competitors you might be familiar with Google Alert or Awario, that lets us inform about our competitor’s activities like what they are doing, where they are getting mentioned, where they have submitted guest posts, etc.

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If not, you should start today because β€œThe weakness of an enemy forms part of your own strength”.

So similar to Google Alert and Awario, Semrush’s EyeOn tool helps you to keep eye on your competitor’s activities and trends. 

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For example, If your competitor posts something new, Semrush will let you know. The same goes for when any brand mentions your competitor – you’ll get notified right away and so on.


This may be a slightly different question, but have you ever run a Facebook Ad campaign?

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If you haven’t, don’t worry – I can explain it to you. And if you have, you’re probably familiar with the Facebook Audience Manager. This is where you define and target your audience based on your business’s relevance to your ad campaign.

Similar to Facebook Audience Manager, Semrush provides an One2Target tool that allows you to gain deep insights into your target audience for your business, including demographics, audience behavior, interests, and more.

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Furthermore, you can also get the details about your target audience’s age, sex, employment status, education levels, income range, device type, social media activeness, etc.

And if you run a Facebook ad campaign, you probably know the strength of knowing your target audience persona and how crucial it is for a successful campaign.

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So ultimately this tool helps you to understand your target audience persona in-depth so that you can plan your marketing campaign and strategy based on this report. 

The more you know about your audience, the more likely your campaign will be successful.

Semrush for Agency Owners

To save time, before I begin explaining this section, allow me to add a spoiler.

Spoiler alert: This section is only for agency owners or if you are planning to start an agency.

If you run a digital agency or if you are planning to start an agency then this Semrush feature can help you in your agency’s growth.

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It offers various features that can help agency owners in generating leads, finding new partners, and managing bids. Here are some of the features that Semrush offers to agency owners:

Agency Partners Program

The Semrush Agency Partner Program is an excellent opportunity for agency owners to expand their network and find new partners to collaborate with. 

By joining this program, you can access a wide range of valuable resources and training materials that can help you grow your business and achieve your goals more effectively.

Joining the Semrush Agency Partner Program also allows you to create a comprehensive agency profile on the platform, which can significantly boost your brand awareness and credibility. 

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As a program member, you will also receive a certified badge that showcases your agency’s expertise and helps you stand out when bidding for new projects. 

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Overall, the Semrush Agency Partner Program is a fantastic opportunity for agency owners to enhance their visibility, build trust with potential clients, and grow their businesses.

The plan for agency owners to get started with $150 may seem expensive, but it’s worth considering as you can try it out for a month and decide your plan accordingly. Remember, taking calculated risks is an integral part of running a successful business.

Bid Finder

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Semrush Bid Finder tool helps agency owners get the most relevant client bid for projects. You can search the bid based on your expertise and Semrush show you all active bids where you can simply pitch to the clients.

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You can also set up an email alert to get notified when any new bid will be available on the Semrush agency dashboard.

Lead Finder

With Semrush Lead Finder, you can easily find potential leads that match your target audience based on industry, location, and website technologies used. Plus, with a quick analysis of SEO and traffic performance, you can identify the best potential clients and add them to your CRM dashboard. 

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By using Semrush data and insights to showcase your services, you can greatly improve your chances of closing a successful deal.

Semrush Agency Growth Kit allows 1000 leads every month to pitch your services.

Client Portal

As an agency owner here you can manage everything related to clients and connect with them directly without using any third-party app.

It also allows you to share reports, track progress, and collaborate with clients in real-time.

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Semrush CRM

Semrush also offers a CRM tool that can help you as an agency manage your clients’ contact information, communication, and sales pipelines. The CRM tool integrates with the client portal, allowing you to manage your client relationships more efficiently.

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Create Insightful Reports

Semrush offers a reporting tool that can help you create insightful reports for your clients. The tool allows you to customize reports based on your clients’ needs and preferences. As an Agency, you can also automate the report generation process, saving time and improving your efficiency.

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Overall, Semrush offers a range of features that can help you to generate leads, find new partners, manage bids, automate tasks, and improve your efficiency.

Okay, that’s all for now about “Semrush for Agency Owners”. However, there is a lot that you can explore by clicking here.

Semrush for Management

Marketing Calendar

If you are tired of juggling multiple spreadsheets and struggling to keep track of your marketing campaigns, initiative, and deadline, this Semrush feature can help you to organize and coordinate all of your marketing things in one convenient location.

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Additionally, here you can also distribute the task responsibility between your all team members and track their progress in one place. So, probably this feature can help you in your team working efficiency and planning.


Notes is another exceptional feature provided by Semrush, where you can simply add your thought as a note related to any campaign, task, or for anything and share them with your team members.

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By default, Semrush added all general updates here such as ranking updates, Google algorithm updates, etc.

User Management

To use Semrush efficiently with each team member, you can use this feature to provide role-based access to your team member.

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If you need to give a team member limited access to a task without granting full access, this feature can assist you with that.

Additionally, it also helps you with account security and privacy, if any sensitive data you have on your dashboard.

Semrush Pricing

Because SEO is a complex and ever-changing field that requires a wide variety of features and tools for businesses to be successful, all SEO tools generally come with higher pricing.

When it comes to Semrush pricing plans, there are three major options for any business to choose from. 

Plans Pricing Semrush
Plans Pricing Semrush

Semrush plans

Pro plan

$119.95/month paid monthly. $99.95/month paid annually.

Semrush Pro plan features:

  • Results per report: 10,000
  • Projects: 5
  • Pages to crawl: 100,000
  • Reports per day: 3,000
  • Keywords to track: 500

Guru plan

$229.95/month paid monthly. $191.62/month paid annually.

Semrush Guru plan features:

  • Results per report: 30,000
  • Projects: 15
  • Pages to crawl: 300,000
  • Reports per day: 5,000
  • Keywords to track: 1500

Business plan

$449.95/month paid monthly. $374.95/month paid annually. 

Semrush Business plan features:

  • Results per report: 50,000
  • Projects: 40
  • Pages to crawl: 10,00,000
  • Reports per day: 10,000
  • Keywords to track: 5000

How to get Semrush free trial

Before you go for any plan, you should first try it out for free to see if it is worth the investment. Fortunately, Semrush offers a free trial to all of its users.

The standard free trial plans are only available for 7 days. Let’s talk about how you can get this 7-day free trial.

  • Step 1: To begin, click on this link to head over to your 7-day free trial page
  • Step 2: Click on the Get free trial button
  • Step 3: Choose the plan for which you need to access your free trial (Pro or Guru)
  • Step 4: On the next page, fill in all the required information

Congratulations, your free trial will be activated. Do remember, that your card will be charged after the end date of the free trial. You can, however, cancel the free trial at any time before the end date if you don’t think it’s worth it and want to avoid being charged.

How to cancel the Semrush plan

There are many ways to cancel your Semrush plan. Let’s discuss about each one separately. 

Via Email – Emailing the Semrush team is the easiest way to cancel your Semrush plan. You can send your cancellation request to Do remember to send your email from the email address you used to create your Semrush account.

Via website – Another way to cancel your Semrush plan is by visiting their website. Once you log in to your account, head over to the “subscription info” page. Click on “Active” next to recurring, and then click on “Contact us”. Next, fill in the details asked and hit submit.

Via phone – Finally, you can plan by calling this number 1-800-815-9959. Their working hours are Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST.

How to cancel a Semrush free trial

If you’ve started your Semrush free trial and want to cancel it, use any of the methods listed above. Just remember to do it before your free trial expires.

Semrush Pros and Cons

We don’t want to be biased, so it’s important to discuss the pros and cons of Semrush that I personally feel. 

Although Semrush is an all-in-one digital marketing tool that is an excellent choice for any business, but before purchasing this tool, you should weigh its pros and cons to analyze if it’s worth the investment. 

Semrush pros

🟒 Strong database

Semrush has a large data collection that is constantly updated, providing you with the most up-to-date information. Whether your goal is to research keywords, track backlinks, analyze your site, or anything else, Semrush has got you covered. Their massive database allows you to delve deep into your niche and discover opportunities and information that you would not have discovered otherwise.

🟒 One-stop solution

Semrush is a comprehensive digital marketing tool with a wide range of features that can help online businesses and digital marketers with any type of digital marketing requirement. As a result, Semrush is a one-stop solution for businesses’ marketing needs.

Here are some replacements that I found especially:

  • βœ… Technical + On-page SEO: Replace ScreamingFrog with Semrush.
  • βœ… Off-page SEO: Replace ScreamingFrog with Semrush.
  • βœ… Content Marketing: Replace Buzzsumo with Semrush.
  • βœ… Social Media Marketing: Replace Buffer & Social Pilot with Semrush.
  • βœ… Trend Explore: Replace Google Trend with Semrush.
  • βœ… Brand Mentions: Replace Google Alert and Awario with Semrush.
  • βœ… Keyword Explore & Mind-mapping: Replace Answer the Public with Semrush.
  • βœ… SEO Writing Assistant: Replace RankMath and Yoast with Semrush.

🟒 Great support community 

One of my favorite parts of Semrush is its support community. The tool provides a support community that includes a knowledge base with articles, tutorials, and forums where users can interact with one another. Furthermore, Semrush offers 24/7 support to help customers whenever they need it.

🟒 Relatively better UI 

Semrush is an online tool that is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The interface is easy to use with a clear menu and icons making it easier for you to access every feature you need. 

Semrush cons 

πŸ”΄ Pricing 

The biggest disadvantage of using Semrush for any business is its pricing. Because Semrush is a premium digital marketing tool that comes with tons of advanced features, it can be too pricey for some small businesses. Due to its high pricing, Semrush might not be suitable for some businesses.

πŸ”΄ Inaccurate at times

Though Semrush comes with a strong database providing you with the most relevant information, the tool can also provide inaccurate data at times. While using Semrush, I have often found that the tool provides data that is not precisely accurate, which can also mislead your decision-making. 

πŸ”΄ Data only covers Google

Semrush only provides data for one search engine, Google. This can be a significant disadvantage of using this tool because it may not provide data from other popular platforms such as YouTube and Bing.

πŸ”΄ Too big to handle

Because Semrush is a premium digital marketing tool that includes every digital marketing feature you’ll ever need, things can get a little complicated. Beginners may find it difficult to navigate all of these in one platform at times

How to use Semrush and get started for free with their free plan

Because Semrush is a premium SEO tool with premium pricing, there is no way to use all of the Semrush features for free. The only way to get access to the entire SEO toolkit is to sign up for a limited-time free trial. However, the tool still provides a free account that gives you limited access to some of its features and services. 

With a free Semrush account, you can:

  • 10 searches per day
  • 10 keywords to track
  • 100 pages crawled for site audit
  • 10 results per search
  • 1 SEO Writing Assistant template
  • 1 Keyword Magic Tool list
  • 2 search queries in Topic Research

To create a free Semrush account all you have to do is, visit their website, register yourself using your email or Google account, and your free Semrush account will be created.

After signing up, you can integrate Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and all your social media profiles, allowing you to manage and review all your data on a single dashboard.

Semrush UI and ease of use

Now let’s talk about the Semrush user interface and how easy-to-use this platform is. 

As someone who has used Semrush for a while now, I can say that the interface is pretty good. 

When you first log in, you’ll see a dashboard with all sorts of data about your project. On the left side, you’ll see a long list of features and menu options for navigation, such as competitive research, keyword research, link building, and so on. 

The best part about this menu bar is that all of the options that are related to each other are grouped together to save you time searching for what you need. Under the category “keyword research,” for example, you’ll find options like keyword overview, keyword magic tool, keyword manager, and so on. Which means all the keyword-related features are grouped together.

Semrush UI 1

As a beginner, you may feel overwhelmed looking at all these options in one place. However, as you use this tool, things will become clearer.

Furthermore, Semrush’s data visualization is also good because it uses graphs and other types of charts to present it, making it easier for the user to understand.

Semrush UI 2

The only major disadvantage I feel about Semrush’s user interface is when I log into it from my mobile. The Semrush interface is not the best for mobile users as it is built specifically for desktop users. However, Semrush also provides a mobile app for smartphone users, that allows users to access position tracking on mobile. 

Overall, Semrush comes with a clean and easy-to-use interface with all the features laid out in a structured manner. Beginners may find it complicated at the time of starting out, however, as they progress, they might get used to it. 

Semrush support

When you are just starting out, complicated tools like Semrush may require constant help and support from customer support. As a result, it is critical that you understand how good or bad Semrush’s customer support is before deciding on the tool.

Semrush gives you access to three different modes of contact: chat, email, and phone. Furthermore, the support team is available 24/7, which is a huge benefit in my opinion.

The waiting time is relatively short because their support team seeks to respond to any query as quickly as possible.

Another thing I like about Semrush is that they’ve included a phone number in the footer of their website, making it simple for anyone to contact them.

Additionally, Semrush provides a variety of resources to its users, doing their best to solve their problems without the need to contact support.

Semrush Alternatives/Competitors

Semrush is a popular tool for researching SEO, PPC, and content marketing, but there are several alternatives and competitors on the market that provide similar features and functionality. Here are some of the best Semrush alternatives:

1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the leading SEO and digital marketing tools in the industry mainly used for link tracking and other SEO purposes. With Ahrefs, you can analyze your inbound and outbound links, track keyword rankings, compare domains, and find content gaps, to achieve better SEO results. 


  • Competitors’ traffic
  • Ranking keywords
  • Backlinks
  • On-page SEO
  • Content gaps


  • Simple to use
  • Analyzing links
  • All-in-one tool


  • No social media tracking
  • Only one user at a time
  • No mobile-friendly app

Starting price: $83/month paid annually

2. Moz

Moz is one of the most popular SEO tools used by many market experts. Along with proving various digital marketing features, the tool includes a browser extension for on-page SEO recommendations, as well as keyword research, site auditing, and rank tracking.


  • Keyword research
  • Link tracking
  • Competitor analysis
  • Rank tracking
  • Link management
  • Content management


  • Link building opportunities
  • Identify website issues
  • Fast crawl speed


  • Limited keywords tracking
  • No backlink database
  • Limited social media tracking

Starting price: $79/month paid annually

3. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a Keyword research tool developed by Neil Patel, a popular digital marketer. The tool helps businesses identify potential keywords they can target and analyze other SEO and content marketing strategies.


  • Keyword research
  • Content ideas
  • Site audit
  • Backlink analysis


  • Free version available
  • Discover the best keywords and content ideas
  • Easy to use
  • Export files and reports


  • Inaccurate at times
  • Limited features in the free version
  • Low competitor analysis

Starting price: Start for free. Paid plan starts at $12/month.

4. SEO Powersuite

SEO Powersuite is an all-in-one SEO toolkit developed by Link-Assistant, a company that specializes in SEO software. The tool helps businesses with all kinds of SEO features at one tool to help improve their website’s search engine rankings. 


  • Automatic rank tracking
  • Website audits
  • Keyword research
  • Link management and outreach
  • Backlink research and analysis


  • Cost-effective SEO tool
  • Unlimited SEO audits
  • Advanced rank tracking
  • Helpful support


  • Not a cloud-based software
  • Link Assistant needs more work
  • May provide inaccurate data at times

Starting price: Start for free. Paid plan starts at $299/year.

5. Spyfu

SpyFu is a keyword research tool that provides businesses with effective keyword data to help them up their SEO and PPC campaigns. The best thing about this tool is its ability to provide data on competitors’ keywords and ad campaigns, allowing users to identify opportunities and take a step ahead of their competitors.


  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Advertising research
  • Backlink monitoring
  • SERP analysis


  • Domain search
  • SEO writing assistant
  • Spy your competitors
  • Big selection of tools


  • Inaccuracy in PPC reporting
  • Improper user interface
  • Requires manual searching

Starting price: $16/month paid annually

Is Semrush worth your business?

If you’re looking for a tool to help you up your digital marketing game, Semrush is without a doubt the best investment you can make for your company. The all-in-one tool includes every digital marketing and SEO feature your company requires to rank higher on search engines and beat your competitors.

Whether you work in the fashion, food, or other industries, the tool will provide you with the best features for optimizing your SEO campaigns.

So yes, Semrush is completely worth it for your business; however, if you are just starting out and have a limited marketing budget, Semrush may not be the best option for you. The SEO tool has a price that may be prohibitively expensive for new businesses.

Therefore, you should not use Semrush if you are just getting started. However, if you are a well-established business that can invest in marketing, then you should without a doubt use this tool.

Semrush Marketplace

Semrush Marketplace

Semrush not only offers SEO features, but it also has a marketplace where businesses and freelancers can find and offer digital marketing services.

The Semrush marketplace connects businesses with experienced professionals who can help them with SEO, content writing, content marketing, and other digital marketing needs.

The platform offers a variety of services such as article writing, website copy, product descriptions, and others.

One of the biggest benefits of using the Semrush marketplace is the high quality of service. Semrush takes every step to ensure that the service providers they hire are skilled and capable of delivering high-quality results. This enables businesses to easily find trustworthy professionals to complete their tasks.

Semrush AppCenter

Semrush AppCenter

The Semrush App Center is a platform that provides access to a variety of Semrush-developed products such as Agency Growth, and Semrush Trends, and others. Other third-party tools and applications that can be easily integrated with Semrush’s core features are also available.

The App Center applications can be integrated with Semrush’s keyword research, competitor analysis, and other features, allowing businesses to standardize their digital marketing efforts.

Furthermore, Semrush handpicks each app, plugin, and extension featured on the online center, ensuring quality, reliability, and exclusive deals. All of the products are designed to work in combination with Semrush Services.

You can enter the App center by simply logging into your paid Semrush account and can purchase your subscription.

Furthermore, you can also cancel the subscription anytime by just sending a notice to before the last day of your subscription term.

Brands that use Semrush

Semrush is a popular digital marketing and SEO tool used by thousands of small businesses and other brands from all over the world for their digital marketing purposes. Below is a list of some of the most popular brands that use Semrush:

  • eBay
  • Apple 
  • Amazon
  • IBM
  • Vodafone
  • Forbes
  • Samsung
  • SEO Inc
  • NetSuite Inc

These are just a few examples of brands that use Semrush for their digital marketing efforts. The powerful SEO tool is used by thousands of other businesses to drive daily traffic and track analytics.

All of these well-known brands and their digital growth clearly show that Semrush is without a doubt the best go-to SEO tool for your company. Its excellent functionalities and search engine optimization features make it 100% worth your investment.

  • What does Semrush do?

    With every business moving online, it is critical that you do everything possible to stay on top of the online game. Semrush is a digital marketing tool that will suggest and help your business in ranking higher on search engines by using its various features and functionalities.

  • Do I need to be an SEO professional to use Semrush?

    No, you don’t need to be an SEO professional to use Semrush. It is true that having a background in SEO will undoubtedly help you get started quickly. But even if you don’t have any SEO experience, you can still use the tool effectively. The tool is designed with user-friendliness in mind, so it is simple to learn.

  • Can Semrush help with local SEO?

    Yes, Semrush provides features designed to help businesses improve their local SEO, including local keyword tracking, local citation tracking, and local listing management.

  • Do I need to install anything to use Semrush?

    No, Semrush is a browser-based app, so you don’t need to install anything to get started.

  • How reliable is Semrush’s data?

    Semrush’s data is highly reliable and accurate. However, just like every other SEO tool, Semrush may sometimes generate inaccurate data as well.Β 

  • How do I cancel my Semrush account?

    If you need to cancel your SEMRush subscription all you need to do is put a cancellation request email to

Wrapping up

So that was the complete Semrush review guide with everything you needed to know.

Let me hand things over to you. Got any questions about Semrush? Comment down below.

Try Semrush for free

7 days free trial

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