37 AI SEO Tools That You Should Use to Supercharge Your SEO Efforts In 2024

AI SEO Tools

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Did you know that Google receives around 7 billion searches per day worldwide, which equates to approximately 81,000 searches per second? 

However, due to poor SEO, most businesses end up on the second page of Google results. 

Traditionally, SEO was a time-consuming process, requiring you to plan a strategy, conduct keyword research, create quality content, and implement other advanced SEO techniques. 

However, you can now minimize your efforts by automating the entire process with AI SEO tools. 

In this blog post, we discuss the 37 best AI SEO tools that will help boost your efforts. 

Let’s dive in.

1. Labrika AI

labrika ai

Labrika is an AI SEO tool that helps you understand what’s needed to make your website more search engine friendly.

This tool is for anyone who wants their website to get more visitors from search engines. Whether you’re working alone on your website or managing sites for others, Labrika simplifies the SEO process. 

It’s designed for users at all levels, so you don’t need to be an SEO expert to improve your site’s visibility.

If getting more organic traffic without diving deep into SEO technicalities sounds good to you, then Labrika is worth considering.

Key Features:

  • Labrika checks your website for errors that could be making it harder for people to find you online.
  • It guides you on how to write content that search engines love, helping your site rank better.
  • Labrika monitors where your website stands in search results, letting you know if you’re moving up or down.

2. SpaceSerp


SpaceSerp is an AI-powered SEO tool that offers real-time search engine result data extraction. 

It’s designed for anyone needing up-to-date and structured data from Google searches, making it ideal for monitoring brand mentions or researching product placements across different locations and devices.

It also stands out for its ability to turn the raw data from search engine results pages (SERPs) into valuable business insights. 

Whether it’s organic results, ads, videos, shopping listings, news snippets, knowledge graphs, answer boxes, or local findings, SpaceSerp covers it all.

This tool is perfect for you, if you are an individual, marketer, or business looking to automate your monitoring tasks without the need for programming knowledge. 

Key Features:

  • SpaceSerp supports JSON, CSV, or HTML formats, providing flexibility in how you receive and use your data.
  • It allows you to gather search results from any location, ensuring that you have access to global data.
  • With SpaceSerp, you can specify the device type for your search queries, offering tailored results that match your specific needs.

3. Branalyzer

branalyzer ai

Branalyzer is a comprehensive brand analysis tool designed to offer an all-in-one solution for digital marketers, SEO specialists, and brand managers. 

This tool aims to make the process easy for brand analysis by providing a wide range of features that cover various aspects of online presence and performance.

Branalyzer is suitable, if are looking to get detailed insights into your brand’s online performance or your competitors. 

Whether you’re working on improving your SEO, monitoring your social media presence, or keeping an eye on your competitors, Branalyzer provides the tools you need in a single platform.

Key Features:

  • Offers a quick overview of a brand’s digital footprint.
  • Analyzes a brand’s SEO performance to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Tracks keywords and backlinks to understand how a brand is performing in search engine results.
  • Allows for competitive analysis and identifies the top-performing pages of a brand.
  • Monitors social media presence and manages brand-related email strategies.
  • Generates comprehensive reports and tracks key performance indicators to measure success over time.

4. Outranking 


Outranking.io is a tool that turns the task of SEO content writing and optimization into a simpler, more efficient process with the help of AI. It’s designed for content creators, SEO specialists, and anyone looking to improve their website’s performance in search rankings.

This AI tool is perfect for you, if you want to create content that ranks well on search engines without spending hours on keyword research and SEO optimization. It uses technology, including Google NLP and OpenAI GPT-4, to provide data-backed strategies for predictable ranking success.  

Key Features:

  • Automatically optimizes content with real-time feedback on important SEO metrics.
  • Generates SEO content that’s tailored to your brand’s style, outperforming competitors.
  • Helps you identify and target keywords that are more likely to achieve quick and easy rankings.
  • Simplifies planning by generating content titles, outlines, and personalized content briefs. 

5. Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO is a WordPress plugin and SaaS designed to enhance your website’s SEO performance. It leverages advanced features and AI guidance to provide a user-friendly interface that helps increase your search engine rankings, drive more traffic, and reach new customers.

Squirrly SEO is ideal for you, if you are using WordPress to manage your website, from small business owners and bloggers to agencies and web developers. 

It simplifies the SEO process, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for keyword research, content optimization, technical SEO, and performance tracking.

Key Features:

  • Offers expert support and guidance from the Squirrly SEO AI Assistant, ensuring you’re always aligned with the latest SEO best practices.
  • Provides tools for discovering optimal keywords for your website, complete with search volume data and competition analysis.
  • Delivers personalized suggestions for optimizing your content, including keyword usage and meta tags, all within a real-time SEO feedback tool.
  • Features built-in analytics to monitor SEO performance, offering SEO audits and in-depth metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your strategies.
  • Seamlessly integrates with WordPress and other platforms like WooCommerce and social media, making it easy to manage your SEO from within your existing setup.

6. RankAtom


RankAtom simplifies keyword research, offering a faster and more efficient way to uncover keywords that truly matter. It’s designed for you, if you find traditional keyword difficulty metrics (KD) unreliable and time-consuming, providing an alternative that saves time without compromising on the depth of analysis.

RankAtom is perfect for you, if you are SEO agency, content strategist, blogger, advertiser, brand manager, and e-commerce business. 

It helps you quickly identify keywords with low competition, enabling the creation of content that’s more likely to rank higher in search engine results.

Key Features:

  • Eliminates the need for manual SERP analysis, offering insights that help you find easy-to-rank keywords.
  • With filters and analysis, RankAtom reveals keywords that your competitors might have overlooked.
  • Turns data into actionable steps for business growth, identifying trends and patterns to help you rank faster using the Keyword Golden Ratio.

7. Screpy


Screpy is an AI-powered SEO and web analysis tool designed to streamline the process of monitoring and improving your website’s metrics. It’s crafted to be user-friendly, making it accessible for users with varying levels of expertise in SEO and web development.

Key Features:

  • Offers comprehensive insights into your website’s performance, including SEO, page speed, and syntax errors.
  • Provides step-by-step tasks to improve your website’s SEO score and overall performance, making it easier for non-experts to optimize their sites.
  • Combines keyword tracking, page speed monitoring, SEO monitoring, uptime monitoring, and syntax checking in one platform, eliminating the need to use multiple tools.
  • Keeps you updated with instant alerts about your website’s uptime, ensuring you’re the first to know about any downtime.

8. Market Brew

Market Brew

Market Brew is an advanced AI SEO software created by search engineers. It offers a unique approach to SEO by allowing users to build their own calibrated search engine models. 

This means you can understand search engine algorithms and updates immediately and use genetic algorithms to spot statistical gaps between your landing pages and those outperforming you.

Key Features:

  • It mimics any search engine’s behavior, making it a versatile tool for SEO analysis across different platforms.
  • Allows for testing of website changes within the model to predict SEO rankings ahead of time.
  • Provides a detailed view of why sites rank as they do, including which algorithms are at play.

9. Boostramp


Boostramp serves as an SEO co-pilot, designed to simplify the process of improving your website’s search engine rankings. 

This AI-based platform stands out by not just presenting SEO metrics but by analyzing them and offering straightforward, AI-generated recommendations that require no prior SEO knowledge to implement.

Key Features:

  • Gathers critical SEO parameters from leading sources like Ahrefs, Google Search Console, Analytics, and SEMrush, converting complex data into actionable advice.
  • Positions itself as a budget-friendly alternative to expensive SEO services, providing expert-level insights without the high costs.
  • Makes SEO accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise, through clear and concise suggestions.

10. Unmixr AI

Unmixr AI

Unmixr is a platform that helps you create content like voiceovers, dubbing for videos, and more using AI. It’s made to be easy for anyone to use, whether you know a lot about technology or not.

Key Features:

  • You can make natural-sounding voiceovers in lots of languages and styles.
  • It can change your videos to have voices in different languages.
  • The AI can chat and help write stuff for you.
  • You can also make images and edit content with it.

11. SEO AI


SEO.ai is a tool that helps you make and fix up website content so it does well on search engines like Google. It uses really smart AI to do things like finding good keywords, making articles, and making sure your website has everything it needs to show up higher in search results.

Key Features:

  • It can write articles for you that both people and Google will like.
  • Helps you figure out how long your articles should be by looking at what your competition is doing.
  • Gives you ideas for keywords so you can show up in searches more often.
  • It can also help you link to other parts of your website in a smart way.

12. Wordplay AI

Wordplay AI

WordPlay AI is a super cool tool that helps you create big articles for your website in just a few seconds. 

It’s made for anyone who wants their website to get more visits by making sure their articles are just what Google likes.

It’s perfect if you’re trying to fill your site with good stuff but don’t have the time to write it all yourself.

Key Features:

  • It can quickly make articles that are over 5,000 words, which is pretty long, and it makes sure these articles are something that people and search engines will enjoy.
  • You don’t have to spend ages writing because it can make drafts that are nearly finished in just 15 seconds.
  • It’s also got a special plugin for WordPress, so you can get your articles up on your site super fast.

13. Twinword AI

Twinword AI

Twinword Ideas is a clever tool that helps you find the best keywords for your website or content. 

With Twinword Ideas, you can say goodbye to spending hours looking for the right keywords. It sorts them out for you, showing only the ones that really matter for your topic.

Whether you’re writing a blog post or looking to improve your website’s SEO, this tool can help you find your way through the world of keywords without the headache.

Key Features:

  • It only shows you keywords that are relevant, so you don’t waste time on the ones that won’t help your content get found.
  • The AI groups keywords by what people are looking to do online, like buying something or finding information, making it easier for you to target the right audience.
  • It also gives you ideas for titles based on the keywords, which can help you create content that people want to read.

14. Vengreso


Vengreso offers a free writing app called FlyMSG, designed to be your go-to productivity assistant. It’s crafted to save you over an hour each day by handling repetitive writing tasks quickly and efficiently. 

FlyMSG is great for anyone looking to boost their productivity without the extra effort. Whether you’re replying to emails, crafting social media updates, or need to generate content fast, this tool has got your back.

Key Features

  • Designed to cut down on your writing time, FlyMSG automates repetitive tasks, giving you back over an hour each day.
  • Acts as your personal assistant for writing, text expansion, and engagement, streamlining your workload.
  • Whether it’s for emails, social media posts, or customer responses, FlyMSG adapts to various writing needs.
  • Access these productivity benefits without any cost, making it an accessible tool for everyone aiming to enhance their efficiency.

15. Alps AI

Alps AI

Alps.ai is an advanced SEO tool designed for businesses looking to really nail their online presence. With Alps.ai, you can figure out Google’s complex rules and make your website or content rank higher without just guessing what might work.

Alps.ai is perfect for large companies or anyone serious about stepping up their SEO game. It takes the mystery out of SEO, making it easier for you to get ahead in the competitive online world.

Key Features:

  • It uses AI to predict what changes will help your site do better on search engines.
  • Helps you understand why your site might not be ranking as high as you want and offers clear steps to fix it.
  • You can test out SEO changes in a safe space before making them live, saving you tons of time and guesswork.
  • It also makes SEO strategies simpler for everyone in your team, not just the tech-savvy ones.

16. Linkbot AI

Linkbot AI

Linkbot is an advanced SEO tool designed to streamline internal linking for websites. It helps you place internal links strategically on your website, which aids search engines in understanding the structure and hierarchy of your site and can improve organic traffic by directing visitors to relevant content.

Linkbot is a valuable tool for website owners, SEO specialists, and content creators who want to enhance their website’s SEO and organic traffic. By automating internal linking tasks, it can save time and effort while potentially improving website ranking and user experience.

Key Features:

  • It analyzes your website’s content and suggests relevant internal links to connect your pages.
  • By creating a well-linked website structure, which can help search engines understand your website better, potentially leading to higher rankings.
  • It also makes a free report to analyze your website’s current internal linking structure, helping you identify areas for improvement.

17. Writeseed AI

Writeseed AI

Writeseed is a writing assistant designed to help you create various content formats. It offers a wide range of templates for different content types, including blog posts, articles, ad copy, and even product descriptions. 

Writeseed is a great option for bloggers, content creators, marketing professionals, and anyone who wants to improve their writing efficiency. It can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with writer’s block or who need to create content in multiple languages.

Key Features:

  • It has over 70 templates to jumpstart your writing process. Whether you need a catchy headline or a full-fledged blog post, It got you covered.
  • It analyzes your existing content and suggests relevant continuations, helping you overcome writer’s block and keep your ideas flowing.
  • Helps craft content in over 35 languages, making it a valuable tool for anyone with a global audience.

18. Scalenut 


Scalenut is a powerful content marketing platform designed to streamline the entire SEO content creation process. It offers a suite of tools to help you research, write, and optimize content for search engines. 

Scalenut is a comprehensive solution for anyone involved in content creation and SEO. It’s particularly valuable for content marketing teams, SEO agencies, and businesses looking to scale up their content production efficiently.

Key Features:

  • It generates different content formats like blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and ad copy using its smart AI writing assistant.
  • It can conduct keyword research, analyze competitor content, and optimize your writing for search engines with its built-in SEO tools.
  • Helps manage your entire content creation workflow within its own, from brainstorming ideas to publishing and tracking content performance.

19. Contentpresso AI

Contentpresso AI

Contentpresso combines AI-powered image generation with a vast library of pre-designed Canva templates to help you create visual content. This can be a game-changer for anyone who needs high-quality visuals for social media, marketing materials, or other online content. 

Contentpresso is a valuable tool for social media managers, content creators, marketing agencies, and small businesses. 

It’s ideal for anyone who needs to create engaging visual content quickly and efficiently without needing design expertise.

Key Features:

  • It generates unique and creative images based on your descriptions and keywords. Which eliminates the need to source stock photos or hire a graphic designer.
  • You can access a massive collection of customizable Canva templates for various social media platforms and content types.
  • Streamline your content creation process by generating images and using pre-designed templates, saving you valuable time and resources.

20. Wope AI

Wope AI

Wope is an SEO platform that utilizes AI to provide advanced rank tracking and insightful website analytics. It helps you monitor your website’s performance in search engines and identify areas for improvement. 

This makes Wope a valuable tool for SEO specialists, digital marketing agencies, and website owners who want to actively track their website’s SEO performance and optimize their content for better search engine rankings.

Key Features:

  • It tracks your website’s ranking for targeted keywords across various search engines with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Helps you gain insights into your website’s SEO performance at a glance through its intuitive visual dashboards.
  • By collecting raw data it offers in-depth analysis and reports to help you understand ranking trends and make data-driven SEO decisions.
  • It can customize your keyword selection and filter data to focus on specific areas of your SEO strategy.

21. NeuronWriter


NeuronWriter is a content marketing platform that leverages AI to assist you in creating and optimizing content, focusing on both content generation and SEO improvement. 

It’s a versatile tool perfect for those involved in content creation, blogging, SEO, and agency work. NeuronWriter benefits anyone looking to streamline content production, improve their SEO performance, and gain a competitive edge.

Key Features:

  • It composes entire articles or specific sections using its AI writing capabilities. This can help overcome writer’s block and expedite content production.
  • It can analyze existing content and suggest improvements to enhance search engine ranking through strategic keyword placement and content structure.
  • Helps research top-ranking content within your niche and glean insights to inform your own content strategy.

22. Agent23.AI 


Agent23.AI empowers you to develop advanced chatbots powered by Generative AI (GenAI). These intelligent chatbots can transform your customer interactions and streamline your sales processes. 

Agent23.AI is a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes looking to improve customer service, automate sales interactions, and enhance the overall user experience. 

Whether you run a small business or manage a large enterprise, Agent23.AI can help you build chatbots that are both intelligent and secure.

Key Features:

  • It crafts sophisticated chatbots capable of engaging conversations, answering questions, and providing support to customers
  • Helps you choose from standard chatbots for basic functionalities or super chatbots for features like human handoff and task automation.
  • It can tailor your chatbots to perfectly match your brand voice and integrate them seamlessly with existing platforms.
  • It prioritizes data security and ensures adherence to strict industry regulations for your privacy.

23. Taja AI

Taja AI

Taja AI is an advanced platform designed to help you optimize your content and maximize the reach of your YouTube channel. Acting as a virtual assistant, it streamlines workflows and saves valuable time for content creators. 

Taja AI is ideal for YouTubers of all experience levels, whether you’re a beginner overwhelmed by optimization tasks or an established creator looking to refine your workflow and boost channel growth. It’s particularly beneficial if you create long-form videos and shorts and need assistance with metadata optimization and audience engagement.

Key Features:

  • It analyzes your channel and target audience to suggest data-driven titles, descriptions, and chapters that resonate with viewers and improve search ranking.
  • Helps you get instant transcripts of your uploaded videos, eliminating the need for manual transcription and saving you significant time.
  • It supports transcription and content optimization in over 50 languages, allowing you to reach a wider global audience.

24. WPAutoBlog


WPAutoBlog is a content creation platform that leverages AI to help you automatically generate and publish blog posts directly to your WordPress websites. It’s perfect for bloggers and website owners who want to scale content production and enhance organic traffic. 

WPAutoBlog offers a convenient and time-saving solution for content creation on WordPress websites, especially for those looking to scale up content production with AI-generated articles.

Key Features:

  • It generates high-quality blog posts on various topics. Provide keywords and outlines, and WPAutoBlog will create content tailored to your needs.
  • Helps you publish generated content directly to your WordPress blog with ease, saving significant time and effort.
  • It intelligently suggests and inserts internal links within your articles, improving website SEO and user navigation.
  • It identifies high-performing keywords with its built-in keyword research tool to target the right keywords and attract organic traffic.
  • Fine-tune the writing style of your generated content to match your brand voice and target audience.

25. Blogify


Blogify.ai is a super cool content creation tool that helps you convert various formats like audio, video, and text into well-structured, SEO-optimized blog posts. 

It’s designed for content creators, bloggers, and marketers who want to save time and effort while producing high-quality content. 

Blogify.ai offers a convenient and time-saving solution by transforming various formats into optimized blog posts, allowing you to expand your content reach and potentially improve your SEO and online presence.

Key Features:

  • It helps you transform your audio recordings (podcasts, interviews), videos (YouTube, vlogs), or raw text into compelling blog posts.
  • It generates content optimized for search engines, including features like title tags, meta descriptions, relevant keywords, and hashtags.
  • It can edit and tailor the generated content to match your specific brand voice, style, and target audience.
  • It supports content creation in over 150 languages, allowing you to reach a global audience.
  • Helps schedule your generated blog posts for automatic publishing on various platforms like WordPress, Blogger, social media channels, and email newsletters.

26. MarketMuse


MarketMuse is a software platform that leverages AI to assist you with content strategy, planning, and optimization. It empowers you to make data-driven decisions about your content creation process. 

MarketMuse provides a comprehensive AI-powered solution that helps you create content that is both informative and strategically optimized for search engines, potentially leading to increased website traffic and engagement.

Key Features:

  • It analyzes your existing website content and identifies strengths, weaknesses, and content gaps. It also uses AI to determine topical relevance and suggest areas for improvement based on competitor analysis.
  • Helps you plan and research content topics strategically. Identify high-performing keywords and craft content that aligns with search intent and your needs.
  • It helps optimize existing content for better search engine ranking and user engagement. 
  • It generates a content score to gauge the overall strength and optimization level of your content pieces.

27. GoZen Content.Ai

GoZen Content.Ai

GoZen Content AI is an AI content creation platform designed to assist you as a writer, editor, or marketer in generating various content formats quickly and efficiently. 

This platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools powered by AI that can help you with content creation across various formats and purposes. 

It allows you to save time, overcome writer’s block, and potentially improve content quality and SEO performance.

Key features:

  • It produces different content types like blog posts, social media content, ad copy, landing pages, ebooks, and even creative writing pieces with the help of AI suggestions.
  • It incorporates SEO best practices to help you create content optimized for search engines, including features like title tag and meta description generation, keyword suggestions, and content structure optimization.
  • It offers additional tools to refine your content, such as an AI-powered grammar and spelling checker, a summarizer for condensing lengthy content, and a keyword idea generator to spark new ideas.
  • It creates content in over 150 languages, allowing you to reach a global audience efficiently.
  • You can also utilize its functionalities directly within your workflow through their Chrome extension, generating content suggestions and optimizing drafts on the fly.

28. Writecream


Writecream is an AI writing assistant that helps you create a variety of marketing and creative content formats in a faster and more efficient way. As a versatile AI writing assistant, Writecream caters to your content creation and marketing automation needs. 

It saves you time, helps you generate creative content, and potentially improves the performance of your marketing campaigns.

Key Features:

  • It generates content for various marketing channels like blog posts, ad copy, social media captions, even cold emails and video scripts. It utilizes AI to suggest content and overcome writer’s block.
  • It automates cold email personalization, subject lines, and hooks for better engagement.
  • It supports content creation in over 70 languages, allowing you to reach a wider audience.
  • It offers a “Command Mode” for fine-tuning content generation with specific instructions.
  • It integrates with various marketing channels and platforms, allowing you to seamlessly publish generated content.

29. Jasper AI

Jasper AI

Jasper AI, formerly known as Jarvis, is a leading AI content platform designed to empower you, whether you’re a creator or a business of any size, to unlock your content creation potential. 

This powerful and versatile platform caters to a wide range of content creation needs, helping you save time, overcome creative hurdles, and potentially improve the quality of your content and marketing effectiveness.

Key Features:

  • It generates various content formats like blog posts, marketing copy, and social media content. It also uses AI to suggest ideas and overcome writer’s block.
  • It helps you create SEO-friendly content.
  • It offers fine-tuned control over content creation with specific parameters.
  • It includes built-in tools to polish your content.
  • It provides a supportive community and resources to enhance your experience.

30. Alli AI

Alli AI

Alli AI is an AI SEO software solution designed specifically for you if you’re part of an agency or an enterprise SEO team. It automates on-page SEO tasks, allowing you to optimize websites at scale and improve search engine rankings. 

Alli AI provides a unique solution by automating these tasks, enabling faster website optimization, improved team efficiency, and potentially greater SEO impact for large-scale projects.

Key Features:

  • It automates technical audits, keyword research, and content optimization, freeing up SEO teams for strategic work.
  • It integrates seamlessly with popular Content Management Systems (CMS) for smooth workflow integration.
  • You can make thousands of code and content changes to your website in minutes, enabling large-scale website optimization efforts.
  • It manages all your SEO efforts from a single, user-friendly dashboard, streamlining team collaboration and monitoring

31. Right Blogger

Right Blogger

RightBlogger is a powerful content creation platform designed specifically for you as a blogger or content creator. It offers a suite of tools to help you write faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 

This comprehensive AI-powered toolbox can save you time, help you overcome creative hurdles, and potentially enhance your content quality, SEO performance, and overall blogging efficiency.

Key Features:

  • It generates blog ideas, outlines, and social media captions using AI.
  • It helps you create search-engine-friendly content with tools like keyword research and on-page SEO analysis.
  • You can refine your writing with features like grammar checking, paraphrasing, and content shorteners or expanders.
  • It Manages all your generated content, ideas, and outlines in a single location for easy access and organization.
  • It seamlessly publishes generated content directly to popular blogging platforms, saving you time and effort.

32. WordLift


WordLift is an innovative platform that uses AI to boost your website’s SEO. It focuses on creating and managing structured content, helping search engines better understand your website’s content. 

If you’re looking to improve your SEO performance through structured content, WordLift can help you streamline content creation, optimize content for search engines, and potentially increase your website’s traffic and visibility.

Key Features:

  • It analyzes your content and automatically labels entities, making it easier for search engines to understand.
  • It helps search engines grasp your content’s meaning, potentially leading to richer search results.
  • It utilizes AI to suggest improvements to your content, ensuring it aligns with search intent and user needs.
  • It offers a CMS for structured content.

33. NitroPack


NitroPack is a cloud-based website performance optimization platform designed to enhance your website’s speed and user experience. 

If you’re looking to improve your website’s speed and user experience, NitroPack can streamline your optimization workflows and ensure optimal performance. 

It can significantly boost your website’s performance, user experience, and potentially enhance SEO and conversion rates.

Key Features:

  • It automates caching, image optimization, CDN, minification, and lazy loading for faster website performance.
  • It optimizes for Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID, CLS).
  • works with various website platforms, like WordPress, WooCommerce, Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento), OpenCart, and even custom-built websites.
  • For WordPress users, it offers a plugin for easier installation and configuration within their WordPress dashboard.

34. ByWord


Byword.ai is a powerful AI-powered content creation platform designed to help you efficiently generate large quantities of SEO-optimized articles. If you’re involved in content creation, Byword.ai can be a valuable asset for you as a content marketer, SEO specialist, or agency.

Key Features:

  • You can upload keyword lists or titles and generate numerous articles in a single session, streamlining content production.
  • It prioritizes creating search engine-friendly content, potentially boosting website organic traffic.
  • It identifies relevant keywords to target with content, aiding content strategy development.
  • It can easily integrate with your CMS for effortless publishing of generated content.

35. Frase


Frasierung, often shortened to Frase, is an AI-powered content creation and optimization platform designed to assist content creators, entrepreneurs, and marketing teams. It combines features for crafting content from scratch with functionalities to optimize existing content for search engines.

Frase helps you create and improve content for online audiences. Great for writers, marketers, and anyone who wants high-quality, search-engine-friendly content.

Key Features:

  • It generates content outlines, intros, body paragraphs, and conclusions based on competitor analysis and user intent.
  • It improves SEO of existing content by analyzing top-ranking content.
  • It conducts research to discover relevant long-tail keywords and content topics to target.

36. WriterZen 


WriterZen is your all-in-one solution for SEO content workflow, designed to streamline your process of creating SEO-optimized content, from the initial research phase to the final writing stage.

This platform is here to help you, whether you’re a blogger, marketer, or anyone who writes online, to craft high-quality content that search engines will love. 

If you’re an SEO expert or just beginning to dabble in content writing, WriterZen makes your workflow smoother by helping you find the right keywords, plan your article, and even providing AI writing assistance.

Key Features:

  • You can discover relevant keywords to target with your content.
  • It organizes your content ideas and structures your articles.
  • It helps with writing, rewriting, and paraphrasing for improved content quality.
  • It ensures your content aligns with search engine best practices.



Diib is your go-to SEO tool, offering a comprehensive solution to boost your search engine rankings and attract more visitors to your site. It diligently analyzes your website, identifies any SEO issues, tracks your keywords, and benchmarks your performance against the competition.

As someone eager to increase your website’s traffic, Diib is tailored for you. Whether you’re running a business, crafting marketing strategies, or building websites, Diib helps you discover what’s working and what needs fine-tuning. 

It monitors your keywords, evaluates your competition, and provides you with actionable tips to push your website up the search results ladder..

Key Features:

  • It analyzes your website and identifies areas for improvement in SEO, speed, security, and user experience.
  • It tracks your website’s ranking for relevant keywords and discovers new keyword opportunities.
  • It helps identify your top competitors and see how your website compares to theirs in terms of SEO performance, keyword rankings, and overall traffic.
  • It offers personalized recommendations and learning resources to help you achieve your online goals.


There you have it.

In 2024, AI SEO tools have really changed the game. 

With 37 powerful tools now available, optimizing websites and boosting search rankings has never been easier or more efficient. 

These tools help with everything from content creation to site optimization, making SEO a breeze for businesses of all sizes. It’s all about getting better visibility and traffic with less hassle.

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