10+ Best Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing in 2024

Best Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing
Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing
Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing

Understanding the concept of Affiliate marketing:

  • Affiliate marketing is simply a mode for advertisement, wherein a company pays the other party (an affiliate), to advertise their products and services for generating sales and traffic. The affiliate, generally bloggers, post ads of such products on their website, app, blog, etc. 
  • It is basically a way to do marketing of their goods and services.
  • The affiliate market industry has become a profitable business through digital marketing, social media, cookies, analytics and other advertising platforms.
  • Company like Amazon created a program where affiliates and websites share links on the Amazon page regarding a particular product, to receive marketing fees once purchase of such product is made.
  • An affiliate widens his/ her network by creating more websites and emails. The affiliate promotes the products/ services on various platforms through his/ her network and connections by way of emails, blogs, texts, like on his/ her website or running campaigns. Further such industries promote the products by way of videos, articles and images too.
Affiliate Marketing For Beginners in 2024: How to Get Started With Affiliate Marketing

Pros and cons of affiliate marketing:

Beneficial for both company and the affiliate industryInvites fraud
Cost-efficient It is an uncontrolled industry 
Open up to a broader audience No scope for establishing a customer base 
Proper experience or expertise is not required No fixed cost, it purely depends on the performance of the affiliate
Can be an additional source of income to the affiliate Freelancing is not everyone’s cup of tea
The affiliate has no responsibility towards solving queries of customers, the job is to just provide ads and promote a sale
Pros and cons of affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing can be free if you have some patience. For that, you have to learn about some sources which can bring in free traffic. Once you know the tactics of attracting traffic, it becomes easier for the affiliate to promote products and services.

You need to first create blogs along with your websites to let people know you and your intentions. This way you can promote products better. Let’s see a list of 10+ best free traffic sources for affiliate marketing in 2024.

Affiliate marketing Free traffic sources:

Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing
Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

SEO helps in optimising your website, webpages and ultimately increasing the chances of ranking higher on Google Search. The affiliate must keep in mind that the relevancy of the same shall not be lost. It is very important to use keywords and key phrases so that the audience finds it easier to look for products and services that the affiliate wants to promote and further increase sales of the same. Concepts of backlinking, quality of content, keyword density, meta descriptions, image and video optimizations, loading speed are some essentials to be kept in mind to increase the value of a webpage.

affiliate marketing free traffic sources
Affiliate marketing free traffic sources

2. Email marketing:

It is one of the best and easy affiliates marketing free traffic sources. It increases your visibility on various platforms like social media. You can get instant free traffic just by email. One can provide attractive offers for readers of content so as to increase the chance of getting subscribed.

3. Writing an eBook:

This is another affiliate traffic source and it’s free. Simply by writing an E-Book and getting it published on the internet or on platforms like Amazon, & pratilipi can attract free traffic. 

4. Research your topic well in advance:

Just research the topic of your post well before writing. For instance, Google Trends shows you popular topics related to what you have thought about. Further lookout for how many people have searched about the topic so as to get a clear picture of your search volume.

5. Content pillar articles:

These are basically content that provides in-depth information about a particular thing. It in the form of guides and tutorials. Such an article can get ranked higher on the Google search page if it provides sufficient information to the reader. Further, the content should be readable and easy to understand so as to attract more organic traffic.  

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6. Query options:

Certain websites like Quora and Reddit provide a forum to discuss various queries of people hence, act as a good promotional tool. If you are an expert in your niche, then you can start answering the queries of people. The affiliate can mention the URL of their website in the forum as well in his bio. Smart marketers these days are using communities like Reddit to promote their business for free.

7. Social media:

social media is one of the best ways of promotion. You should focus on the audience and maximise your interaction with them, for instance, to attract young traffic, you can include Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. To attract affluent traffic, you can include LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. Youtube, for instance, is another source of affiliate marketing free traffic. Google gives you the opportunity to get indexed on its search page. Simply add relevant information, title and tags describing your video well.

8. Guest posting:

It is basically posting for someone’s blog in exchange for a backlink. The affiliate locates other blogs related to his topic and contacts the owner for guest posts. If yes, then the affiliate will share his guest post along with a few links which will lead the reader into his website. This will attract direct traffic and also boost affiliate’s SEO.

15+ Effective Ways to Grow & Promote Your YouTube Videos & Channel Rapidly

9. Start a Podcast:

It is a fun source of affiliate marketing free traffic. Platforms like Spotify, Itunes, Gaana and others share your podcasts. People these days have started multi-tasking, listening to podcasts and music while doing work, or going to the gym.

10. Inviting comments on blog:

This is another way to attract traffic to affiliate links. You can include comment sections on your blog so that people can comment on your blog, hence attracting huge traffic. Blogs can be created for free on certain platforms like WordPress.com, Blogger.

11. Gathering experts:

These are the types of articles, where you are interviewing experts in your discipline. The experts just have to answer a few questions with short posts. Once such articles are published, the experts can share them with their audience and connections through social media platforms. The more influencing experts you gather, the more organic traffic you attract.

12. Contributing to Medium and medium alternative platforms:

Medium is an American online publishing platform which gives an opportunity to affiliate marketers to interact with a wide audience. When you publish your article in Medium, use your videos and links while posting. This way you can attract free organic traffic.

Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing
Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing


There are some websites which are earning quite well by just using affiliate marketing through free organic traffic. One such example is Nerdwallet.com. It is probably one of the best affiliate marketing websites, filled with great content on relevant topics.   

Getting free organic traffic is not as easy as it seems to be. But by following some of the ‘best free traffic sources for affiliate marketing’ mentioned in this blog, you can definitely find it easier. Many of the affiliate marketers start with zero and end up earning heftily. It just depends upon how you frame your marketing strategies. 

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  • How long does it take to wait for getting traffic to my blog?

    A span of around 3- 6 months.

  • How to get more readers to read my blog?

    By including new creative ideas with all the above-given techniques you can get more readers and traffic on your blog

Suraj Shrivastava

Suraj Shrivastava at ForgeFusion shares simple, effective ways to grow your business using SEO, content marketing, and AI, learned from helping over 50 companies. When he’s not working, he loves teaching others or watching documentaries.