First 10 People To Hire In Your Startup

Have you ever wondered how big companies start and progress themselves on the way to greatness and fame? Who are the initials who have been in the company since the advent and the baby stage? How do you look for such people and grow your company to this milestone?

All these questions will be answered as you read the article ahead! As the Virgin founder states, “Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” In the same way, it is very important to take care of your initials if you want to ensure a strong foundation of trust and respect.

In this article, we will talk about the first 10 people to hire in your startup and will also signify their importance, how they are resourceful to the organization, and what to look for in each candidate who fits perfectly for the role.

Why are the different roles vital for a startup’s success?

The table can’t stand on one strong leg; it always requires multiple ones of the same size. The same is true for businesses; in order to succeed, they need strong teamwork, a sense of equality, and respect for one another roles in startup.

Hiring from the top is one of the greatest suggestions from business experts of all time, and strengthening bonds both internally and externally is vital for a company’s growth. The inner part starts with cooperation between colleagues, which starts with a strong leader leading the whole team in the right direction.

While hiring candidates, always keep in mind your company’s values and culture, and if the candidate possesses those prerequisites, they are good to go!

The top 10 people to hire for a startup initially

1. CEO (Chief executive officer)


Hiring from the top is always a smart strategy, as you can ensure the right leadership skills and testify to them yourself. CEOs are the top-level executives in a business firm who take all the important decisions and actions on behalf of the company.

A CEO frequently serves as the public face of the business and participates in media relations. He may give presentations at conferences, inform the public of significant company changes, or take part in charitable activities.

With a focus on long-term objectives, growth, profitability, and return on investment, the CEO oversees all facets of the business’ operations.

What to look for in an ideal CEO

  • He must possess outstanding communication skills as well as empathy to find and solve issues in a company.
  • As a CEO, it’s their job to be a champion for their product. As a result, they must be knowledgeable about the relevant market, well-educated in it, and well-versed in the subject.
  • They should be good problem solvers and be able to practice critical thinking to further contribute to the growth of your company by solving problems effectively.
  • They should be fearless and bold trailblazers, ready to take on challenges and inspire others to succeed and grow.

2. CTO (Chief technological officer)

chief technological officer

Technology is the future, and to control the digital executions of all the other fields, having a strong base in tech is essential for a company to maintain a strong footprint in this modern era.

Innovation and technology are synonymous, and having a wide threshold in the tech sector of your company ensures that there is continuous innovation and enhancements while keeping the constant improvements with time.

The success of your company depends on having a CTO (Chief Technology Officer) who has expertise in technology and development, especially for tech startups.

Although you can employ freelance front-end and back-end engineers, it is helpful to have someone on your internal team oversee this area. As your team expands, you can divide this position into two or more distinct startup roles and responsibilities.

What to look for in an ideal CTO

  • He must possess great tech skills like coding, digital marketing, and up to date knowledge of current algorithm trends to stay active in the industry.
  • They must possess great problem solving skills and logical skills as well to take care of the internal technical problems in a company.
  • Intelligence and Introspection are two vital qualities to look for in a CTO.

3. Product Manager

Product Manager

An effective product manager is one who determines roles and responsibilities champions customer needs and ensures a connection with market trends. Product teams are better prepared to regularly ship better-designed products that perform remarkably thanks to this focus on customer needs.

It can help prevent effects from being uprooted by newer solutions by having someone examine how the product is evolving and suggest changes based on factual findings.

A good product manager conveys the value of the product to the rest of the company. Product managers can enhance the product and boost customer loyalty by being aware of customer pain points.

Additionally, they serve as an intermediary between various departments to determine what is required to produce a successful result.

What to look for in an ideal Product Manager

  • A product manager is essentially a mini-CEO. He must comprehend the current product strategy and how it fits into the existing business plan.
  • Product managers should be passionate about their products. They should be able to identify and value excellent products.
  • A product manager with strong customer empathy understands the value of talking to customers. A good product manager will seek out any chance to learn from the target customer.

4. CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)

chief marketing officer

A chief marketing officer oversees the marketing department and communicates with marketing project managers. The role and responsibilities of a chief marketing officer, or CMO, can be hard to pin down.

While responsibilities vary, the CMO role is focused on two main goals: driving revenue and overseeing marketing activities.

The chief marketing officer of a company is primarily in charge of generating income by increasing sales through marketing initiatives. In the majority of businesses, the CMO will report directly to the CEO and be an executive-level manager.

What to look for in an ideal CMO

  • Making strategic decisions that promote growth is a particularly important responsibility for a CMO because one of the challenging aspects of the job is that some marketing activities can be unpredictable, particularly in the digital and social media age.
  • The marketing department’s creativity should be encouraged by the CMO, leading to creative marketing concepts that will help draw in and keep more customers and, through effective storytelling, boost sales growth.

5. Sales Manager

sales manager

There is a lot more to the new sales environment than quotas and inspirational speeches. To best support their teams, managers must rely on a variety of skills they may not have previously prioritized.

Sales managers are in charge of the performance of their teams as a whole as well as the success and professional growth of the sales representatives on those teams.

They guide and direct sales efforts for a subset of the organization on a daily basis. This includes hiring, training, establishing quotas, assigning sales territories, and cultivating motivation.

What to look for in an ideal Sales Manager

  • Set sales and profit targets, and identify the key metrics for tracking progress.
  • Work closely with marketing managers, engage in cross-departmental collaboration, and bring in (and occasionally shape) content such as market research.
  • As a leader, you serve as your sales team’s coach, confidante, and cheerleader by directing, motivating, and inspiring them.
  • A skilled sales manager can identify and set up mentoring relationships between team members with various skills and levels of experience.

6. CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

chief financial officer

​The chief financial officer (CFO) position is receiving more internal and external scrutiny today. CFOs are constantly under pressure to increase revenue, decrease costs, and maintain control.

They have been thrust into the spotlight by the uncertain economy, expanded regulations, financial restatements, and heightened investor scrutiny. These factors contribute to an increase in CFO turnover.

CFOs are responsible for managing an effective finance department that offers a range of services to the company, including tax, treasury, and other finance operations, as well as financial planning and analysis.

What to look for in an ideal CFO

  • Effective communication skills are crucial for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who is in charge of making sure that all stakeholders—internal and external to the organization—receive timely and accurate information.
  • A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) must be able to think both strategically and logically when considering the company’s long-term goals.
  • A CFO must possess strong analytical skills and be able to evaluate financial data. They must be able to recognize patterns and trends in data and then use that understanding to form opinions and provide the firm’s board with pertinent advice.

7. Customer Success Manager

customer success manager

Often, in the course of much technical work, we forget about the most essential corporate relationship, that is, the relationship between the company and its clients. A CSM is an efficient bridgemaker between the needs of its customers and the mission and vision of the company.

A CSM is in charge of making sure customers appreciate the benefits of the company’s product and have a memorable interaction with it.

The success of a startup relies heavily on word-of-mouth recommendations, which CSM is instrumental in generating with customers. In addition to satisfying customers, a CSM will develop internal procedures and workflows to speed up customer support and facilitate their work.

What to look for in an ideal CSM

  • They must be winners at understanding what the people truly want and don’t want.
  • They must be well versed in effective and persuasive communication skills to maintain a great clientele base.

8. Operations Manager

operations manager

The Operations role at a startup in its early stages is all about increasing team productivity to make sure a product idea materializes as soon as possible.

In essence, an operations manager keeps the startup together by ensuring that everyone is carrying out their duties. An operations manager must be adaptable every day to solve issues and keep their team on track because the job is broad.

When a startup has established its product-market fit and is beginning to find its footing, the operations manager’s role changes from holding the startup together to managing its progress.

What to look for in an ideal Operations Manager

  • They must be able to coordinate effectively between all the different teams in order to ensure proper working.
  • They must be a person with near mastery of soft skills, as they are essential for a role in operations.

9. HR Manager

The culture of an organization is significantly influenced by human resource managers. They assist with resolving conflicts or complaints, facilitating communication between managers and staff, and advising executives on pertinent workplace conduct guidelines.

Additionally, these managers collaborate with executives to manage talent and make sure that workers are providing the greatest value.

hr manager

To increase worker engagement, address workplace disparities, or aid in the development of skills necessary for success and improved performance, they may set up training resources and workshops as needed.

Managers of human resources keep an eye on the payroll division to make sure benefits and payments are handled properly. They could establish incentive schemes for hiring new workers and report to the accounting division.

What to look for in an ideal HR Manager

  • Human resource managers need to be able to communicate about programming to both employees and executives in clear and effective ways when they speak, write, and present.
  • Additionally, they must be good listeners in order to learn about the requirements of each party, which will help them create the most productive workplace strategies and foster relationships.
  • Professionals in this position guide coworkers and staff members of the company in maintaining policies and procedures for hiring, training, and risk management.
  • They also supervise teams to make sure individuals are carrying out their duties and abiding by their obligations to the company.

10. Business Development Manager

business development manager

The job of the business development manager is to strengthen the organization’s position in its industry and increase revenue.

They collaborate with the executive team leaders to define both short- and long-term strategies to achieve the organization’s objectives. They aim to forge significant connections with particular clients, spot potential business opportunities, and negotiate agreements with other companies.

In order to make the best business decisions, the business development manager keeps up with market developments.

What to look for in an ideal BDM

  • A good business development manager has the interpersonal and communication abilities to collaborate with different departments as well as external businesses.
  • Business development managers must possess project management and multitasking abilities in order to oversee several business development projects and initiatives at once.


Consequently, a successful startup requires a strong team. It takes a lot of work and consideration to start a startup business, including selecting the best candidates for key positions.

You can choose who to hire by learning more about the crucial positions required for a successful startup.

Once all the pieces are in place and there is perfect harmony among all the teams and sects, success is sure for a company.

Suraj Shrivastava

Suraj Shrivastava at ForgeFusion shares simple, effective ways to grow your business using SEO, content marketing, and AI, learned from helping over 50 companies. When he’s not working, he loves teaching others or watching documentaries.