Black Friday Deals

Dive into our Black Friday Bonanza and discover the season’s most sought-after deals! From jaw-dropping discounts to limited-time offers, we’ve curated an unbeatable selection just for you. Why wait? Shop now and save big!

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is a name given to the day that follows Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally marking the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

Falling on the fourth Friday of November, it’s a day when retailers, aiming to turn a profit (“going into the black” from “being in the red”), offer plenty of deals, discounts, and promotions to lure shoppers into their stores.

It’s widely regarded as the busiest shopping day of the year. Retailers roll out their biggest deals and shoppers, eager to snag bargains, often line up outside stores hours before they open.

The History Behind the Name

The term “Black Friday” wasn’t always linked to shopping. In fact, it originally referenced the crash of the US gold market on September 24, 1869.

Two notoriously ruthless Wall Street financiers, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, worked together to buy up as much as they could of the nation’s gold, hoping to drive the price sky-high and sell it for astonishing profits. Their actions led to a stock market crash, leading to many investors going bankrupt.

By the mid-20th century, the term “Black Friday” began to be used in Philadelphia. It described the heavy foot and vehicle traffic that would occur the day after Thanksgiving.

Despite efforts by local officials to change the name to “Big Friday” to reflect more positive connotations, “Black Friday” stuck and became more widespread in usage.

Black Friday Trends

As e-commerce platforms gained traction, many consumers chose the comfort of their homes over battling in-store crowds.

Recognizing this trend, retailers started offering exclusive online deals. This eventually led to the conceptualization of “Cyber Monday”, the Monday following Thanksgiving, which is dedicated to online shopping deals.

However, the lines between Black Friday and Cyber Monday have blurred over the years with many Black Friday deals now available online.

How to Score the Best Deals?

Gone are the days of sifting through countless ads and comparing prices across multiple websites. Our Black Friday deals list has been meticulously curated to bring you the crème de la crème of offers.

Don’t miss your chance to equip yourself with premium digital tools and services at unbeatable prices. Explore our handpicked deals now!